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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. The dry slot is real but I’m fading a weak ccb for us for now.
  2. You get a nice h7/h85 track to go underneath but you’re so badly torched from the waa that you can never recover in time to benefit from it. Gross.
  3. Still punches the dry slot into our fannies. Maybe it can get the ccb going.
  4. Where’s the Jan 15 east jog when we need it?
  5. A shredded system or not is not what I’m debating. We’ll just shake hands here and pray the later capture verifies, regardless of our points.
  6. Knowledgable dudes here say to expect the se ticks to happen later today and tomorrow.
  7. The tucked in surface with a CT dry slot...yes it has.
  8. Everything has moved to that idea but agree it’s too far. Expect a bounce back today. Pray.
  9. I do understand your point so I hope your “models like to capture this too soon” theory works its magic here. We need it.
  10. The tucked in warmer look. Don’t be so snow map driven.
  11. It’s a colder look too. Accept the taint (even embrace it) and hopefully we can minimize the dry air aloft when the ccb gets going.
  12. Albany catching up to EMA past couple winters with the big events.
  13. I was comparing to 12z so this run looks like it split 12z/18z goalposts.
  14. The waa was great but ccb looked bandy and shredded.
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