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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Just in time for it to runaway from us inside 24hrs.
  2. It’s just bad Monday morning QB’ing by ignorant people. Toss them and their opinions.
  3. At least it has felt stormy for 24hours now. Clouds are weather too.
  4. Great analysis Wiz. What are you thinking for Southbury CT USA?
  5. That’s a good look for Dryslut and friends though.
  6. Deal. That would be a funny bet though. If the clown map wins, weenie wears the outfit while shoveling. It would go viral.
  7. Models had us at 35/36 and raining most of the day. They typically do well torching the mid levels but then they think the surface has to follow.
  8. Will you put on a clown outfit to shovel if it’s right?
  9. I missed my opportunity. Lawn will be trash in the spring so just give me a big winter to offset it.
  10. You’re in a sweet spot to pile it up quickly tomorrow.
  11. Just need a little more oomph to get this band going. Some more junk in the trunk so I can let the weenie fly out.
  12. High ratio stuff too I would imagine. Go grab a foot.
  13. They should never let this weenie work from home on snow days.
  14. Looks like they were too far n and nw with the front. HFD might do ok today...at least from a mood snow standpoint.
  15. Radar is back building nicely with convection like elements to it.
  16. Pretty nice man and if today/tonight pans out...
  17. Models got the surging warm air aloft correct last night but they were too warm at the surface in CT
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