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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. I do understand your point so I hope your “models like to capture this too soon” theory works its magic here. We need it.
  2. The tucked in warmer look. Don’t be so snow map driven.
  3. It’s a colder look too. Accept the taint (even embrace it) and hopefully we can minimize the dry air aloft when the ccb gets going.
  4. Albany catching up to EMA past couple winters with the big events.
  5. I was comparing to 12z so this run looks like it split 12z/18z goalposts.
  6. The waa was great but ccb looked bandy and shredded.
  7. We will taint either way on the waa but possibilities of a ccb fluff bomb exist.
  8. @40/70 Benchmark is steadfast that models like to capture these too quickly. I’m in his camp...now.
  9. Just get me that ull look and capture underneath and I’ll take my chances.
  10. I can watch the h7/h85 vort loops all night.
  11. Colder on the waa but seems like it doesn’t cool enough on the back end. Clown maps will look ugly and likely trashed.
  12. We have a good idea but these always surprise, agree.
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