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Everything posted by NovaWahoo

  1. Am I just too hard to please or have I not been under the "epic ripping OMG" sleet that some of you have? Hard to know. I often have the same problem with snow too. Is this "heavy"? *shrug shoulders*
  2. 26/25. Sleet. I've yet to see a single snowflake - fatty, rimed, or otherwise. Though I believe we had about a 1/2" fall before 5:30 am.
  3. Can someone post most recent DCA/IAD soundings (or show me where to get them)? Thx.
  4. 25/23 and a mix of sleet and freezing rain. And darkness. So much darkness.
  5. "HISTORIC WINTER INVASION" (under a pic of the Capitol.)
  6. 27/17. Slowly dampening. Like my hopes.
  7. 29/17. Just a few clouds. Lot of stars.
  8. Between model run question inspired by the IBM model posts before. Are all the major models entirely government-funded models? If so, it does seem to me that there should be market incentive to push the limits on modeling. For gov't purposes it may be sufficient to give people a 24-48 hour warning of inclement weather, allow preparations to be made to protect life and property, and make sure you have the salt trucks and plows deployed in the right places (and erring on the side of caution here is no big deal). But if I've got billions invested and it's going to be affected by ice or travel disruptions, I want to know 2 weeks ago. Science has limits and it may just be that there isn't much more that can be done. But if I was Elon Musk ...
  9. Monitor the latest forecasts. Good job everyone. You're doing your part.
  10. Currently 33 and rain in Fairfax Station. Which feels right.
  11. Candidate for saddest 4 words in the English language. Snow blower. Never used.
  12. I'm trying to get mulch delivered on Friday and need it to arrive when it is not going to precipitate for the next 24 hours. So, my forecast question is - do we think whatever happens on Thursday should be out of DC by Friday morning? (I'm also assuming here that I'm not going to have a foot of snow on the ground then. But this is a risk this winter has confirmed that I may feel comfortable taking.
  13. 32.5/32.2 and light drizzle/sleet mix.
  14. I've been at 32.4/32 for 3 straight hours. Hasn't budged even .1. No discernable precip.
  15. 32.4/32. Light snow w/ a little sleet/grauple mixed.
  16. 32.7/32 Light snow. Sticking on grass.
  17. That's a pretty bullish forecast from NBC12 in Richmond.
  18. 33 degrees. Huge aggregates. Biggest I've seen in years.
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