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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. FWIW NAM out to 36 and looks to be east so far
  2. Definitely trending that way.. still soooo far out though. If we still see the Euro and other models coming close on Sunday then it will start getting really interesting being 5 or so days out.
  3. Most of the 0Z hurricane models east of Florida now
  4. EURO is a epic disaster up here.. two canes 2 to 3 days apart
  5. Ummm wow! 95L really has nowhere else to go. Definitely interesting times ahead!
  6. 0Z ICON might of been fun if it went out further.. but it's all a fantasy
  7. Kind of crazy seeing the GFS and EURO almost the same that far out
  8. East coast definitely has to watch the tropics starting next week
  9. https://www.weathernerds.org/models/ecens.html?&inittype=zoom&initfield=MSLP_Surface&initcycle=determine&initfhour=240&initimdimx=1050&initimdimy=685&initrange=50.000000000000:258.000000000000:0:350.000000000000&initcx1=0&initcy1=0&initcx2=0&initcy2=0&initcross=False&initsound=False&initsoundx=1&initsoundy=1&initloop=False&initoverlay=False&initlstart=000&initlend=240&initlint=6&initol1=MSLP_Surface&initol2=null&initol3=null&initol4=null&initol5=null&initcities=Off&inithgwys=Off&inittracks=On&initlows=On&initlatlon=Off We watch... no idea why it's coming up like that
  10. GEFS shows the East Coast might be threatened again
  11. Getting a few changing around here.. my two favorite seasons coming up
  12. Cape might get it good.. No TV for James Sunday?
  13. Maybe not 6Z just came even closer but not by much....
  14. Ya was surprised to see that.. late in the game but you never know.
  15. NAM was just sooo close to getting captured
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