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Everything posted by PerintonMan

  1. The weather.com projected radar has snow filling in and replenishing over WNY for the entire afternoon. Seems unrealistic.
  2. Yikes, that's not gonna git 'er done. No way ROC sees 5-6". More like 2-3". Good news is my streak of not having to use the snowblower is still intact and may yet survive the entire winter. I feel bad for the suckers who paid in advance for plow service.
  3. lol, that's a forecast of 85-110" (basically 7-9 feet) of snow over 48 hours.
  4. Got about 3-4" in SE Monroe County total over the last two days. A little less than expected, though this isn't a prime LES area even for the Rochester area, but good enough to get out with my 3 year old for some tubing in the yard. Still snowing at varying intensity throughout the morning, and now a peek of sun.
  5. A decent 2" or so here, also wasn't expecting even that much.
  6. Went from a dusting yesterday to a coating today. Arrow is pointing in the right direction! Maybe tomorrow we'll even have the grass completely covered.
  7. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge the folks in Buffalo or east of Ontario obsessing over 5 degrees of wind direction. I know this is their "Super Bowl". I enjoy hearing about 24" in 12 hour dumps -- or, hell, Binghamton's 40" a few weeks ago when up here we only got a few (not LES, I know, but just to show I'm not a total curmudgeon ) But it just highlights how absolutely little is going on otherwise. Fortunately, looking at the history, it seems like it's hard to get completely skunked around here in January-February.
  8. California, but before that Boston, Philly area, and Connecticut. I knew ROC wasn't a prime LES area for this region, but I expected more than this -- at least a few 2-4" type events every couple of weeks on top of synoptic. Well, the synoptic has been a whiff (this comes and goes), but the LES has been a dusting every few days and that's it. And everyone cheering for W or WSW winds, well...that doesn't do anything here.
  9. A light dusting here in the SE Rochester burbs that has since melted. LES does ____-all for me. Enjoy it, those who are cashing in!
  10. I'll take the under for ROC. I don't see us getting 2 inches, nevermind 3-6.
  11. No joke. My house is in the 350K range and I pay less than 1150/month on the mortgage. I'll still be paying 1150/month in 20 years when my salary should be >50% higher. Of course, taxes are almost 11K/year, but the mortgage itself is ridiculously affordable.
  12. Truth. We bought in 2019 and then refinanced just over a year later.
  13. lol, dude, I got outbid 5 times here in suburban Rochester before getting my house two years ago.
  14. Quite right. I was mixing and matching regions there. The constant overcast is not unusual here (at least over the 3 winters I've been here), but it also reminded me of the years I spent in Boston. Other parts of I-95 are nicer. The green ground, mild temperatures, and weeks without appreciable snow are rather mid-Atlantic-like.
  15. Bare ground, temps in the 30s, perpetual gray (except the last few days). This feels more like the I-95 corridor than western NY. By the way, is there any maintenance that needs to be done on a snowblower that's never used?
  16. To be honest, I'd prefer that to barely-not-freezing drizzle. At least it's something interesting.
  17. Hey, Binghamton had yellow a few weeks ago and that worked out great for them.
  18. It was stupid cheap and a ton of food, even for a lunch special.
  19. I did a cross-country road trip over 10 years ago and stopped at diner in Ozona. Chicken-fried steak. Greens with bacon. Piece of pie. The whole bit. Enjoy the snow, folks.
  20. Wait, it never got below 22 degrees in DC, in all of 2020? And they got all of a dusting of snow? That is insane.
  21. Sounds about right. ROC nickle and diming to 11 inches over 6 weeks, a dusting to an inch every couple of days. Feel like it shouldn't count.
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