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Everything posted by PerintonMan

  1. Heh, yeah, that's the thing, isn't it. Nobody has the same rooting interest here. Where I am, an event like this has to be mostly synoptic, maybe with a little enhancement off Ontario with N winds. W, SW, WSW, SSW, none of that ish matters to me.
  2. Verbatim that's a brutal run for ROC. Rain, followed by nothing.
  3. Once in a lifetime event for the Binghamton-Albany corridor. A 4+"/hr band sitting over you for 6-8 hours just doesn't happen outside of LES. Incredible.
  4. On the other side of ROC, I have about 3.5". Kudos to Tim (I think) on his 2-5" call. I was dead right that we would never get into the heavier rates, but I underestimated the robustness of the precip shield. I thought we would be in and out of flurries for most of it, but it was more of a steady light snow for 12-16 hours.
  5. Looks like SYR will just miss the heaviest band, but still will be into the moderate stuff. I don't see them having any trouble getting to 6".
  6. I believe that. Not looking forward to driving my kids to daycare tomorrow. On the other hand, I'm not going to have to snowblow, which is nice!
  7. Just measured 1.75" in the ROC area. It's been the same light stuff, maybe 0.25"/hr, since mid afternoon. It's going to be a slow limp to 3" here, maybe 4", unless something changes dramatically.
  8. These two are in complete contradiction. Radar like that is never going to produce the needed 0.5"/hr rates to get ROC into the 5-6" range.
  9. Maybe 1-1.5" here in SE Monroe County. But it's been snowing since mid-afternoon. These rates aren't going to cut it, and radar doesn't show much indication of that picking up. Seems to be pivoting around us. We need to get into those "green" returns to start piling up. Not sure that's in the cards. This is basically what I anticipated when I predicted only 2-3" or so in ROC.
  10. Yup, I always hated this living in CT, Philly, or Boston, it would take sometimes 3-4 hours of snow for it to start sticking.
  11. Zero chance Rochester outperforms Syracuse. BUF 1.5" ROC 2" SYR 6" BGM 14" ALB 12"
  12. I think the gradient is going to be a lot sharper than this between the 2" and 8" areas.
  13. I'm more optimistic about this than I was on Sunday for ROC. I would not be surprised to see any outcome between the C-1" we've gotten a few times already and 6". Prediction: 2". I just can't see us getting into the 6-8 hours of moderate snow we'd need to get into the plowable 4-5" range.
  14. If those tracks held through NYC instead of Delaware, we'd be in great shape.
  15. I got that one last year. It works pretty well despite having no idea what I'm doing with it.
  16. My gut feeling is the axis will be a little more NE than ENE. Not enough to get us into the action, but I think Springfield, MA will do better than New Haven.
  17. That squares with my impression. "Winter" was super warm and uneventful, but then spring was cool, which really just meant it was about 50 degrees from March through mid-May. I'd strongly prefer the opposite. Give me 5 degrees below normal in March, then 5 degrees above normal in April/May/June.
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