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Everything posted by PerintonMan

  1. Twice as many above normal vs. below normal temperature days in Buffalo is insane. That's like 6 standard deviations.
  2. Yeah maybe 1-2". Sticks to the trees and looks pretty, but not even enough to fully cover the grass.
  3. Pretty much exactly what I expected here when the models showed really sharp gradients just SE of Monroe County. I knew we weren't going to get so lucky to be on the right side of it.
  4. In SE Monroe County, a hairy spot with such a tight gradient between 8" and 2".
  5. A low over Long Island and not enough cold air for snow in Rochester in January. If that doesn't scream "climate change" I don't know what does.
  6. A coating this morning, now sad drizzle. "It's technically still fall" not much consolation. Seems like a repeat of last winter. At least then we had a solid 4 weeks (late January to late February) of active and cold, replenishing 5-6 inches at a time.
  7. I feel this strongly. The constant gray/brown from November through March wears on you, and not enough white lately to lighten it up. Not sure how much that affects people moving in/out though. At least people moving in probably only look at the temperature and snowfall numbers and don't really consider the constant overcast.
  8. I feel absolutely #blessed to have bought a house here a few years ago. This is going to be a popular area to live as the South becomes increasingly unlivable for a lot of people, and this area becomes more palatable (to the chagrin of snow lovers like us).
  9. Yeah, my preference would be summer from May through October and winter from November through April. I grew up in Connecticut so had pretty standard 4 seasons. Lived in California (interior Bay Area) for 4 years before this, where we had about 4-5 months of spring, 4-5 months of summer, and then it rained from November through January. That was different.
  10. I hope last year was an anomaly. This is only my third winter/spring in the area. It just took way too long to get into late spring, it was like early spring lasted through mid May. Temps in the 40s and 50s are just awful. On the bright side, once it hit summer, it stayed there for a good 3+ months. I hope that's normal.
  11. Funny you say that. There was another guy who showed up right when we did and tried to goad us into joining him to do literally exactly that. We, not being d-bags, declined.
  12. Oh man, I saw Jim Cantore (and Al Roker) in person back in 2013. My now-wife and I walked 2 miles from our apartment in Cambridge, MA to Boston Common during Blizzard Nemo. Stood about 20 feet away while they delivered a live report. It was pretty cool. No thunder snow though.
  13. Spring and fall just do not do it for me. Once I've got my fill of snow, I'm ready for 80 degrees and sun. April and May last year, through about Memorial Day, were absolute shite.
  14. The lack of a big synoptic hit has been disappointing, and December and most of January were straight-up depressing, but the last few weeks have been terrific. Building a solid snowpack, replenishing with fresh powder every few days, and actually feeling like winter salvages it reasonably enough. A lot of great snow time with my 3-year-old (even occasionally with my 1-year-old), and a way for her to get play time with friends outdoors.
  15. Yeah, I mean, we're 9 days out. At least we're in the game. There's going to be something major.
  16. Straight up blizzard from SYR to BUF. Yes, please.
  17. Probably 4" of fluff here in SE Monroe, intensity varying, but moderate right now, probably 0.5"/hr type stuff. Pretty.
  18. Snow globe right now in SE Monroe. It's been varying in intensity all morning, mostly flurries, but really picked up in flake size and intensity the last few minutes.
  19. You joke, but it seems like the last few years this is all that's happens, like it's impossible to get a track from the Deep South through NYC. It either goes well east, over the 40/70 benchmark and hammers New England, or it goes right over us and we get dry slot and mix. I'd be interested what the older mets have to say -- are there certain tracks that we just aren't seeing anymore? When's the last time we had a genuine Miller A?
  20. The snowpack is fairly impressive even if no individual storm has been. This was somehow even more disappointing than the most pessimistic projections. So far, after anticipating 16-24 inches over a week of 2-3 storms, we have an appetizer that turned out to be nothing, now a main course that was sloppy and overdone, we'll have to hope the dessert on Thursday overperforms. Instead of 16-24", we're looking like maybe 6-9" combined.
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