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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Ha, a few years up here and she is spoiled and expects 45"+ every year. We averaged 10"-15"near Dover, DE.
  2. I don't need a blizzard, a few inches that doesnt melt by noon would be great. I have a 7 year old telling me to make it snow already. She says to me, "that is why we moved to New England right?" Lol, in Delaware she was sledding on construction dirt piles, after 1 inch of snow...
  3. Let's shift that about 100 miles or more south please....
  4. I agree fully with this statement....I put the snow goggles on despite seeing this because I foolishly assumed those with degrees and many years of more experience saw something that I did not. I know when the low heights show up to begin worrying, but when they continued to re-establish themselves well into December and further into January...the writing was on the wall. Hopefully we have a fun 4-8 week stretch coming up!
  5. Woke up to a surprising 0.2" here...at least the deck is white for the next hour
  6. My greenhouse was 65 degrees and sunny on New Years day, it felt great! Did some weeding, the kale is still beautifully green, along with the strawberries. It is what it is, might as well enjoy what ever weather is tossed at us...
  7. I have to live vicariously through old posts and forum topics of past storms to help ease the pain of what seems to be a dud in the making....lol
  8. And to think last year on this date it was snowing in Florida....
  9. That looks like that would have been awesome here in Newtown, I wonder how much they got? I spent 25 years in Millersville PA and only experienced 9 double digit storms from 83 to 2008 (93, 96, 2003 were all 20+)
  10. I spent the first 32 years of my life in the Mid Atlantic. I automatically become a nervous Nellie when the talk about a ratter develops....
  11. It actually looked like it was starting to cave around day 10, then went back to the garbage look, only to shift back again at the end. Definitely says that 10-15 day period is the big question mark. I guess one could look at it as finally leaning towards it's own weeklies in the 2-3 week time period.
  12. At least it has zero precip here, the mud is unreal atm....
  13. Weeklies tonight? If they are anything like the EPS this afternoon, I bet there will be some ratter calls later this evening.....
  14. Had some pretty strong winds yesterday morning, but nothing out of the ordinary. We ended up with 3.60" of rain though, it feels like the middle of spring, after the first real thaw. Everywhere you walk, you sink 3 inches into the mud, time to cover up with some snow now....
  15. 1.98 inches and counting, 61/61....feels quite nice out there
  16. And just like that the FV3 says no snow for you on Christmas eve, but I will give you rain....
  17. If I saw 3-5 inches being forecasted near Christmas, I would have not guessed it would be rain, yuck......
  18. GEFS at 384, but it has begun to look a bit like the weeklies.....
  19. I lived in Middletown, DE at the time...I measured between 24-28 inches for this storm and most of it was gone by Christmas.....
  20. Good to know, hopefully they can fix the bugs before go time....
  21. Figured, can't they create another GFS that would be between the 2?
  22. Assuming the FV3 has a better handle on thermals, it is snowier than the old GFS...fwi
  23. NAMs still want to dynamically cool the column late Sunday in the interior. 1025+mb continuing to build in seems to be helping a bit....
  24. I wonder if we see a couple SWFEs coming up in the "new" pattern?
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