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Everything posted by WinterWxLuvr

  1. It was never going to be anything else
  2. LOL, c’mon man. I have acquired a little bit of wisdom.
  3. I just can’t see us getting that much precip out of this. I’ve been proven wrong before though.
  4. Maybe something can eject out of that little bag in the sw but for the most part looks ns dominant. Will clippers ever come back. I would like someone who knows to explain where they have gone.
  5. I have the Niners d and I put the Jets d in place for next weekend. The Ravens look unstoppable to me.
  6. I hope nobody takes my posts the wrong way. Anyone who is used to my posts knows that I’m a very optimistic person when it comes to our chances, sometimes stupidly so. But seriously, have you ever seen us get s winter storm from a wrapped up low in Nebraska? I won’t even be here this weekend but I still hope for snow. I want everyone to get some fun. So can anybody give me some hope and a rationale that could support it for this event?
  7. I see this as possibly some light frozen in the beginning, mostly rain, ull thumps the mountains to our west, coastal gives the eastern areas a shot at some wrap around snow, but most of the northern va area is left with next to nothing. Don’t see this as a cad setup either. Not at all trying to be negative but my “reality” check tells me this is a no chance scenario for at least my local area. Eastern MD possibly but not for most of us.
  8. Imagine how good the Christmas ham will taste as NFC North champs
  9. Their offense is struggling right now. They are playing two teams capable of putting points on the board.
  10. Seems to be more frozen now, so yeah probably a function of that high. But I think it’s iffy to think we get much more than light precip with that low in Omaha.
  11. Snow is boring. This football is awesome
  12. No he didn’t. Because Ditka thought it would be fun to let the fridge score. Total sh*thead move
  13. Peyton was the most amazing ever. I will never ever forgive Ditka for letting Perry run that touchdown instead of Peyton
  14. Yep. But hopefully we can take down the Hawks and set up the winner take all with the cheese heads
  15. This is one of the best teams I’ve seen. Ever. You have a QB that is well on his way to an MVP and perhaps a redefining of the position.
  16. Getting that primary further east would also help a great deal. Get in central Missouri instead of Nebraska would be a start. A couple of gfs members do that.
  17. It still might. This is still a good distance into the future.
  18. My take on the gfs is that it’s active. Keep it active and we will score in time. It’s very early. I am very optimistic
  19. Somebody tell Bristow it’s over
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