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Everything posted by StormfanaticInd

  1. Still a decent signal for a winter storm to end the year
  2. Hospitalizations jumped to well over 15k today. California with over 18k.
  3. As long as the vaccines are effective things should slowly start getting better
  4. Got to be cautious with the data this week. Then there is this new strain we have to worry about.
  5. If that new strain gets here that could be a huge setback.
  6. Time to throw in the towel on a Christmas snowstorm. Not happening.
  7. I'll take my glorious 1 inch flash freeze white Christmas
  8. Euro was garbage which means absolutely nothing right now
  9. Oh great. Just what we need a more contagious coronavirus mutation
  10. This is starting to look like a negative nao winter
  11. Euro is a step in the right direction. Chicago gets the goodies on this run
  12. Setup for the end of the year has my attention. Not really understanding the negative vibe. Plenty of potential here folks
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