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Everything posted by StormfanaticInd

  1. This is starting to really get my attention more and more
  2. We may already be at 4000 death/day.
  3. We lost 76,580 Americans in December! That is just horrible
  4. It comes down to leadership. Period. When America needed a strong leader who could bring America together during a national crisis we had a clown.
  5. True but its going to be a race especially if this new strain is as contagious as they say it is. We really need to ramp up our vaccination process but we are really lacking leadership at the federal level. States which are already cash strapped have pretty much been left on there own to vaccinate which is not a recipe for success against this virus. Until leadership recognizes that we are in this together (left right) we are never going to beat this thing
  6. If this new strain takes off in America(if it hasn't already) we are in trouble
  7. BSR wise this could signal a big storm between the 16th and the 21st I think
  8. Might need to start thinking about winter storm watches.
  9. This would explain the crazy numbers we are seeing in California
  10. System behind this has sneaky potential . Hmmm...
  11. Yesterday's deaths were revised up big time to 3723. A record
  12. Why are you so disrespectful? Geez I guess you really are angry. lol
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