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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. I'll take the V16 for next week's storm.
  2. My wife, who cares none for weather, actually had a dream last night where her and I were prepping for a big snowstorm and I was talking about how the MJO wasn't lined up right and we were waiting for the Euro to run for new maps to help with our preps.
  3. I'm happy with the current track. It probably won't happen but would be nice.
  4. By quite a few metrics, Southern Maryland is already in the very northern range of "humid subtropical" climate. So we're probably ahead of the curve relative to the rest of the DMV. Just an ominous warning that this is what lies in store for most of the MA forum in the next decade....
  5. Yeah it had us with like 12" snow and we ended up with 2" rain. I'll take the CMC more seriously when it scores a coup someday. $10 is better than $5 but it's still nothing to brag about.
  6. That LR work was a freebie for you, the next will cost. Probably about as accurate as a 240h GFS run, no supercomputer required.
  7. Yes I doubt as well it will be subtopics in 10yrs, I don't pretend to know the exact dates, but to me the general trend is pretty clear.
  8. I wouldn't mind living in S Florida. Lots of cool wildlife and unique habitat. Myself, living right up on the coast of the western shore in Calvert County even over the past 15yrs I've witnessed large changes due to sea level rise. We have a lot of lowland swampy forest dominated by red maples. Over time the brackish water floods the ground water and you have huge tree die offs because they can't handle the salty conditions. Eventually I assume cypress will take over these areas but probably not on a time frame I will live to see. Even in the low portions of the forest on my property are changing. I have a natural spring that feeds a stream that used to only flow in winter and barely any water at that. Over the past 10yrs the stream is now year-round and flows more like a small river in winter. Erosion has lowered the streambed by 2-3ft just in the past five years, sort of like a mini grand canyon. Soon I expect the red maples will start to die off and it will become open swamp.
  9. I wouldn't bet on that.. I've long thought that this is how GW plays out. Initially there's a golden period of snowstorms as the warming oceans provide the energy but there's still enough cold on the playing field. We've seen that the past 10-20yrs around here and especially up into NE. Then as the background state continues to warm you start to lose the snow and end up with rain. This will be the case for a decade or so until the next phase as subtropical conditions continue to move north and winter as we know and love it ceases to exist. I wish we'd just get to that point already so we didn't have to put up with all this cold rain anymore.
  10. Lock in biggest since '96. Snowshovels are already selling out locally as the masses become aware of the upcoming pattern.
  11. I gotta give it to this forum, there are a lot of polyannas prognosticating this way or that...if, X winds up here and Y does this and it's a Thursday and we close one eye then a HECS can happen. Sorry, it ain't happening. Face it we aren't getting any major snow this year. In fact, the sun is out full force today and I can already tell its angle is increasing. Countdown til spring has commenced....
  12. Looks like Calvert is going to get some moderate snow in about 30mins. Won't last long but it's better than nothing.
  13. Still 57F here. The rain hasn't even been that heavy, what a bust. I don't think we do flash freezes down here so I'm content to hope for some snow showers tomorrow.
  14. 60F here just got the mower out to mulch up some leaves for the final time this year. No rain yet but closing in.
  15. No way, leave that baby right where it is. An inch of snow on Christmas would almost make me forgive the last two years.
  16. Yeah right, it'll be all rain down here in Southern Maryland. I should expect that though, it's not peak climo yet.
  17. I note the 12Z has uncanny similarities to '96.
  18. 32F and rain in huntingtown. This has gotta be one of the worst storms in history. 32 and rain, can it get any worse?
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