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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Man this is gonna hurt when it all falls apart.
  2. Has the Euro ever gone full-BECS before? I don't recall a run like that in recent years.
  3. 12Z euro epic for Southern Maryland. It's a toss.
  4. 34F in calvert county, sleet with some isolated snowflakes mixing in.
  5. Hey why doesn't weatherbell have the para on their model page? Is there some reason they wouldn't use it?
  6. Whoa NAM where have you been all my life? That heavy strip of snow literally runs right over my house. Is it just a pipe dream?
  7. I gave up and reaped on December 4th or.somerhinn like that. Seems like a smart call right about now.
  8. What a pile of trash. How many taxpayer dollars are spent on the GFS? You might as well pay chimps to draw snowmaps at the zoo, they'd be as accurate.
  9. Frankly I don't hate the 12k NAM. Yeah it's not a huge storm but by the end of the week it has me at around 4-5" which isn't terrible. At least it's enough to cover the grass and maybe allow me to try out my Muck Truck snow plow.
  10. Jesus on a handbag that GFS run is epic. This is the real deal - East vs West, USA vs Europe. We have the Canadians in our corner too.
  11. Did I accidentally wander into the Snoqualmie Pass subforum?
  12. Man at this point a day with a high temp that doesn't get above freezing is a crush job.
  13. Just threatening to pull out my lucky shirt has the models falling in line.
  14. I'll gladly take the 12Z GFS and call it a winter.
  15. Let's be realistic. This is probably going to be the most important 12Z run of the season. Hopefully the servers are up to the task of handling all the incoming browser refresh commands. I have a lucky t-shirt that I used to wear all through college on clutch exams and it never let me down even once. I'm thinking about dusting it off and wearing it this weekend to skew the models in our direction.
  16. New way to fail. Now it's the DC snow parallelogram. We've reached geometric failure.
  17. The problem is they keep ticking north...and keep ticking north and keep ticking...
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