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Everything posted by Ahoff

  1. Maybe more north from this recent bad, southern runs, lol. That might get us 6+.
  2. I heard he was saying we were in the possible zone for over 6”, however that was before the most recent runs. Maybe, this is as bad as the models look for us and we have positive corrections from here. That’s all we can do is hope.
  3. That’s okay. I appreciate the response. Just looking for a glimmer of hope out of that awful run, lol. Still, it was just one run. I’m looking for just a few inches, hopefully that’s still on the table.
  4. Yeah, GFS ensemble. I meant hopefully future runs are better, not more from the 18z.
  5. What's your take on the GFS with its handling here? Are the other models more consistent, relatively speaking? I know consistency isn't accuracy, but jumping around can't be too positive either. How has the GFS been at this range?
  6. Yeah, we'll have to see if that keeps appearing. GFS can be weird, hopefully this is one of those times.
  7. Yeah, that's a bad run, but it's only one that's that bad. Lets hope it's an outlier and that the start of a trend.
  8. Wow, that 18z GFS run is a hard blow. Luckily, its only one run, so hopefully it was a one off, bad run and not the start of a trend.
  9. Accuweather’s first point and click totals are about 3-7”. I don’t think we can be upset at that.
  10. Still not bad. Down across the board for everyone.
  11. Looking even better than before. NWS is fairly confident at this point.
  12. This is a storm I’m wondering about. Seems there’s some expectation that hotter air funnels in around the 16th. Could this storm be the true kicker to get it in and stick that pattern here for a while? Too early to tell, but interesting.
  13. Looking good still, and a little surprising for a time period that is showing a potential cutter.
  14. Isn’t too early to worry about the one’s after the 9-10th at this point?
  15. Usually how it is anyway. They get bigger overall storms, just less instances of snow.
  16. Wonder how this will fail? I'm sure we'll hear soon.
  17. This isn’t uncommon or unexpected. I can’t imagine there was ever a storm where the models stayed exactly the same for over a week. Plenty of time for better trends. No reason not to still be hopeful, unless your TimB. He stays negative.
  18. https://www.accuweather.com/en/winter-weather/major-winter-storm-brewing-with-snow-ice-and-rain-to-blast-northeast/1608380 Accuweather talking about it.
  19. He can't be contained, lol. Security must be lacking lately.
  20. He’s become a troll. No other way to put it.
  21. Maybe choose to make your own 2024 different. And also, the fact that there are quite a few opportunities and still a good signal on this one suggests it is. Take a pill and calm down, Jesus.
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