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Everything posted by Ahoff

  1. Holy Sh!t! That's random, lol. We know how this goes, but it's nice to see early in the season.
  2. KDKA beats the warm drum for winter, and only 31" of snow, not that they don’t always seem to stay on the warm and low snow side.
  3. Definitely not surprising in October, lol. Would be nice to see some flakes Wednesday morning though.
  4. Potential for flurries and maybe snow showers tomorrow night into Wednesday morning.
  5. The "S" word was mentioned briefly this morning on the news. Maybe right after Halloween. Looks cold either way.
  6. Did they change it? It always just used to be military time. It always matched up to the actual time. Edit: It's since been corrected, time wise. Back on military time. Weird.
  7. Also, am I missing something here? Does that not show the 12:51 pm temp at 45, and that it is about 4pm now?
  8. Not sure I believe it either. Was just downtown. It is warm but not 70+.
  9. Cooler than I expected, honestly. Was thinking 36-37.
  10. Sure, makes sense. They're all arbitrary by any standard.
  11. Not really, considering freeze actually means something, as does frost, as it ends the growing season.
  12. Regardless of frost or not, looks like that obscure 40 degree record will end early next week.
  13. In a slight turn of events highs only got to 53 today when 56 was forecast.
  14. It doesn't look that massive at this point. Forecasts are for 60s after this weekend. That's not that crazy.
  15. We might have to know that for the fourth time in a decade it didn't snow between December 19th at 8am and December 21st at 4pm, when it only occurred 2 times in the previous 6 decades, lol.
  16. That's what I thought. Best we'd probably do is back end wrap around, lake bands tomorrow.
  17. Some were pretty good winters that followed, some were not. At least it doesn't look to be a correlation.
  18. Bad sensor, lol. But really, it did not feel that warm downtown, leaving work today. Yesterday felt warmer.
  19. Exactly, my car temp said 46 this morning, and I live in the City. They were talking about frost and how cold it was in areas on KDKA this morning, but interestingly never mentioned the 51 degree reading at the time. Wonder if they were skeptical of the temperature as well.
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