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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. I was just thinking about this. With all the talk around here the last couple weeks you'd almost assume its April 10th. I'd love a mild March this year...have an old car to paint and assemble. Its just a hunch based on nothing but years of weather watching, but I have a feeling winter ain't done yet
  2. Radar looks non existent...but the ground is turning white up here in Westfield
  3. That gust came through Simsbury about 20 minutes ago. Were getting some snow in the air lightly right now and there's a wall of dark clouds off to the West
  4. Just had a gust of wind come through Simsbury and now we have a snow shower moving through. Heading home to Westfield soon, I may take the long way home and try to find some snow. Temp down to 34 after a high of 37
  5. The very storm that got me interested in the weather! I was very young, but remember it like yesterday!
  6. Don't you mean the F*****g Volatility 3 Garbage Forecasting System? Seriously though...this has gotten a little more interesting this morning as said previously
  7. OK, I NEVER come into threads like this.. but I just had to look. I'm assuming you are fairly young because of comments like this. One thing I've learned since watching the weather as a hobby since 1978 in SNE area is you never, never, never look at a long range forecast especially Winter and take it to heart in any way, shape or form. I mean it's nice to look at possible seasonal trends but forecast a whole season.. forget it! If you think the past couple years are bad, you should see what we went through around here from like 1982 through 1991. Let's just hope we're not starting another decade like that
  8. That's last month, he said this month. Sitting at 29 inches on the season in Westfield, 26 in Simsbury
  9. At this range LOL. That's just like looking at the NAM at this range for Saturday ....useless
  10. GFS looks like 12z yesterday, barely a couple showers for the Cape
  11. You seriously need to ask that??? Check back Thursday or so
  12. No, pretty much never for the last decade at least. My plow buddies etc are constantly asking me for information this time of year.
  13. Yep, let's see where we are next Thursday...
  14. Not for sale yet...not until things are better sampled later this evening
  15. If I remember that one correctly, we were dumping snow in Granby and over the ridge in Bloomfield was pouring rain...iirc. We had 18 inches I believe
  16. Ahhh yes...the storm that made winter great again after a mostly horrible 10 plus years! At least we have something to track for the upcoming weekend. Maybe it will soothe some of us in here...
  17. Just re started here, picking up quickly
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