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Everything posted by UnitedWx

  1. And I've said it over and over... more often than not for most of SNE we don't usually get much in December. If we do it's usually the last week or so. If we didn't have this c*ck blocked decent pattern this year it would likely be a different story
  2. 2 inches total in Westfield. We've had light rain much of the overnight, so nothing has added. Didn't expect that
  3. Looks like we're going to end up with 2 inches. What's showing on radar doesn't seem to be translating to the ground. Precip shield looks like it will rotate out of this area soon
  4. Moderate to heavy snow in Westfield the last half hour. Ground is whitening quickly. I'm surprised it's actually accumulating on the driveway just as fast
  5. Huge flakes here in Westfield now. Friend of mine down in Granby Connecticut says they are now all snow and it's just starting to accumulate on some surfaces
  6. Moderate sleet and rain here now with some mangled flakes mixed in. Temperature down another degree. Question is how far does the warm tongue penetrate, or will this change over to all frozen?
  7. Yeah if it's at best a mix here it's going to take a lot of work everywhere else. Next couple hours will be telling once it gets going some more
  8. Haven't had time to get caught up on this System since very early this morning one thing I've noticed here in Westfield just that it was 42 degrees back at 10:30 am and it's down to 38.5 now
  9. That's a who knows for sure. There were a couple years in the 80s where we had like one decent storm a year and mostly nothing else like 83 and 87. I remember getting a 10 inch storm in 87 and it seeming like 2 feet. 88 through 91 there was almost nothing.
  10. Again, I said area specific. We're at about 5 inches rain since Thanksgiving, and about 25 inches of snow. You guys out east have had far more rain than us. We had a couple different winters with big rains in the 80s. Several caused floods like I haven't seen since then on our local roads
  11. Obviously area specific, but my area has done better with snow the last 3 years than several 80s winters i lived through. Sure maybe we've had a little more rain, but the pattern is quite similar. It sucks that all my old weather diaries were lost in a move, it was all in them
  12. Not necessarily, we had many a winter where good size storms would come through as pouring rain, and then cold as soon as the storm departed. SO many times the weather Channel 7 day had snow, and you'd slowly watch the forecast maps morph to rain as the storm approached.
  13. Got that right. Earlier evolutions had it shunted southeast
  14. 12Z GFS trying for the Blizz of '78 TRACK on Feb 4th, backs the low right over Long Island. Obviously will change a thousand times between now and then
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