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Everything posted by Prospero

  1. Seriously we ALL want to see the biggest baddest storms ever. It is a sickness that makes us weather people. But most of us are always compassionate and empathetic to victims, even in snowstorms. So that is honest. Does that make us bad people? No but we balance doom and survival as best we can. Yet the thrill of Nature and what it does is like a drug that we are addicted to. We can deny, but we know who we are no matter how we spin the excitement we feel when waiting for that perfect eye. Ida is not there yet, but getting there. Almost, but not yet.
  2. Weather Channel: Traffic is easing up, if you want to get out do it now.
  3. Ida's eye might be wrapping. Even covert super-secret budgets run out of money at some point. Can't kill every storm. So many storms, so many cities. New Orleans? OK, let this one go this time. Hope they ain't broke when the Cat 5 heads to Tampa Bay!!!!!
  4. To err is human. To blame someone else is politics. Hubert H. Humphrey
  5. Did anyone notice the Tampa radar was down the day Fred might have come by. I sure did. Annoying.
  6. Keeping my opinion to myself per earlier discussion. But yea, do they not have enough technicians and mechanics.
  7. OK who agrees? My wish: Ida gets her eye and RIs into a Cat 5, reaches near the LA coast to justify evacuation but not that bad and shifts east staying offshore bringing fun and excitement to the Florida Gulf coast (not too bad, but thrilling even for Tampa Bay), then moving west to the Texas coast giving everybody a taste there maintaining a perfect eye, then going east through the channel between Cuba and Florida allowing the Keys and Miami to have some fun, up the eastern coast brushing Cape Hatteras intensely (they are used to it, can handle it, and love it) then drifting up the east coast past VA and sitting for a day or so off NJ becoming a Cat 5 sub-tropical Hurricane and slamming NJ so nobody will ever mention Sandy again. A perfect eye the entire week long adventure. Right?
  8. If they are streaming PLEASE share! It is Saturday night with Ida doing her/its best to get it together. We are watching drooling for excitement (of course hoping nobody gets hurt). Daytime landfall on a Sunday? When does that happen? Sitting in Tampa Bay safe and sound, only a couple hours of work in the morning, and all day to be here with two 4K monitors with sats, models, this forum (and others if this gets boring which it will not), and watch Weather Channel. Need live streams galore!!
  9. And rain. Oh the rain.
  10. Maybe the wise have left, the traffic jam has subsided, and NOW is the time to say, "Get outa Dodge!!"
  11. Historically yes it did. It took a while for it to manifest. But hey, I was watching weather channel and landfall was not what we were expecting. The after effects were more than anyone imagined.
  12. NOW there are two eyes...and a crooked mouth! And wild hairdo.
  13. I was obsessed on another forum (being me), remember the "eye" discussion as it left the Florida coast when everyone thought it would develop much earlier. But reminded of the eye getting it together seeing the clip. Wow, so many storms since then. But if I remember right, it never reached the hype level even though being devastating to New Orleans. I do remember a horrible storm surge I think around Gulfport, MS.
  14. 24 hours yes. What a monster it was. Eye was a mess where Ida is now. We'll see what happens. Hopefully NOT a Katrina. Good post. I'll pull back before I get banned off banter.
  15. 24 hours? Not what I remember. But it did spin off-shore a bit.
  16. Ida, she/it is trying like hell to get that hot energy from the Gulf into the atmosphere where it belongs. What is the the cool spot? Dry air??
  17. Mostly I see what I see on the Texas coast. Katrina caught me eye first. But ever since. Just observations, from a storm passionate guy. But years of patterns support what I see. Not always, but in the Gulf it has become a storm forum dialog of "I see and eye" and "Nope, not yet." Ida will be strong no matter what. But didn't we all expect a well-defined perfect eye by now with wrapped around convection? Yes most of us. I have been here for days. Last night going to bed people were talking about the "six hours" from midnight till 6 am. Ida is a powerful dangerous storm indeed, no matter what. But I say the eye will be jabberwocky until a few hours before landfall like Katrina and Laura, some others that we have watched. Maybe if this keeps happening others will wonder WTF is going on. I will accept the weenie crazy hat and actually used to it. Any bets when a Yucatan perfect eye will form with Ida?
  18. Many will be. Others who live on higher ground in new fancy areas will complain and not leave when they should the next time. Happens here in Florida too often. I don't think it will be as bad as the hype, but certainly could be worse then the dismissers.
  19. My prediction. We will see this happen until close to landfall. I have my opinion and not sharing because it starts a fire every time I suggest it and we do have an active storm. But come on. Really?
  20. This is why I love the banter. More opinions and observations, and passion. I agree Ida may reach its potential, but a Major by noon today faded away. And still weird issues in the convection around the eye all day that throw it off. Yet if this same storm was heading to the Yucatan the eye would be perfect totally surrounded by solid convection. We'd all be talking about that. Why do Gulf storms have breaks in the convection? Consistently. Tell me.
  21. I bet if I watch a five hour sat animation I will see random cold spots appear where solid hot convection should be happening. Of course random scientific explanations suggestion a dry air pocket from somewhere or some other weird reason why a perfect eye won't come together. Another Gulf storm with an eye disease. But its early and I'll watch. Plus I have hundreds of posts to read to catch up!
  22. Just looked at the sats before I read the Ida storm thread. Eh, yea, not what I was expecting. NOT a Yucatan eye, but something there. Not perfect but maybe it was this afternoon.
  23. Wow, five hours offline and the Ida banter thread has gone crazy! Will take a while to catch up. Haven't even checked the real Ida thread!!! Is there an eye??????
  24. We've been very lucky around Tampa Bay. VERY lucky.
  25. Its going to be a long day. LOL Luckily for me I'll be on the road a few hours away from my PC.
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