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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. A plow just came by. 33.0/32 edit, sander, but still lol. nothing but rain now.
  2. I heard the compressor pumps running at Waterville when it was freezing rain the other day. Do ski ares make snow in those conditions?
  3. If you can deal with the longer drive, I'd go to Tremblant. it's an hour and a half north of Montreal, but it's really got everything. We usually break up the drive by staying Friday night in Montreal. No holiday weekend up there that weekend (I usually go there Feb vacation for the same reasons). There are some really easy trails on the southwest side. My wife and daughter love it. There's a reason it's rated #1 in the east, plus strong US dollar.
  4. for you maybe, that 1 or so inch doubled my pack, ! I actually believe I'm in a snow hole. I probably average about 90-100". That's not a lot for the southern Whites. This year it seems Maine has been doing pretty well. Actually, Wildcat is probably most over average. You guys have had a better than average season (even record territory for a bit). Hopefully NY storm is more wet than white.
  5. Same here Gene. 21.4 for a low (probably around midnight) 31.8 for a high. It's been between 31.5 and 38.5 since about noon. Nice net gainer out of this one.
  6. Temp holding steady, dropping actually. 31.5/31. Density to the pack!
  7. roads are a mess up here. Seems like they're planning on the melt because the roads haven't been touched. 31.7/31 which is my high of the day.
  8. Snow 'till 7:30, sleet to about 9, zr since then. Getting some accretion, everything glazed over. 31.0/30
  9. Pattern sucks. But on the positive side, we got about an inch on Christmas, another half inch Wed night and 1.5" of cement today and it at least looks like winter up here. That rainer last week really put a beat down on the pack.
  10. About 1.5" of snow. It flipped to sleet at about 7:30, currently -ZR 26.0/25
  11. Decimated! Down to about an inch on average. How'd you make out in Maine?
  12. No pack in Lowell, but 6" of concrete up here. 2.5" qpf going to do some damage, but I expect to see some snow remaining. Maybe cut it in half?
  13. You're absolutely right JSpin. But what I've noticed is the valley floor around here (600') is already down to patches. Snow increases about 1" per 100' vertical. I'm at 1100' and my pack is around 6-7", it's significantly deeper at Waterville, even at the base which is probably around 18" and 24"+ up top. Models are showing day temps in the mid-upper 30's for tomorrow, so that will minimize melting, it's the 2" that comes tomorrow night when temps are in the 40's maybe low 50's that scares me. I still expect to see snow at the cabin, but it will be totally gone below about 800', and my guess, that means no snow along 93 until you get to the Linwood area (Kanc).
  14. I wonder if my pack survives. I just did a core sample. Without the 1/4-1/2" ice on bottom, I melted 6" of dense snow containing 2 1/2" liquid. Models showing about 2 1/2" of precip. Tomorrow supposed to be in the upper 30's but rising into the upper 40's tomorrow night. VT will survive this much better than this area based on qpf. But as Freak says, we've got nothing to complain about. Resorts in my area are ~75% open. Skied natural trails in October, woods in November. 10 days in before Christmas. That's a record for me.
  15. Thats your septic tank. Leaching field likely towards the street.
  16. I have no issues. We've gotten over a foot here in Lowell, and over 3' at the cabin. Skiing has been incredible skiing natural in October and trees in November. Fortunately, they've been holding onto snow at the resorts and this weekend's rainer is now a passing shower, or even a gainer. I move north Friday until at least the end of the month.
  17. Wasn't there some correlation between weak El Nino modoki and a more northern gradient? NNE has far overperformed climo than southern and regardless of what happens here on out, past snowfall influences final tallies. Another important factor is how much elevation has affected snowfall totals. With a mild mid-December, I believe it increases that gradient. By end December, we're ~1/3 into the snowfall season. Will, are you saying a La Nina pattern is more predictable?
  18. Gradient this year seems to be farther north, more like Concord/lakes region and nothing I see in the future changes that. Next weekends system is a vast improvement compared to what it was showing last week. GFS secondary now showing it finishing as some frozen, and ECMWF suppresses nearly the entire event. Baby steps.
  19. Are we still in record territory regarding the snow stake? 20+", that's insane upslope.
  20. There are a couple neighborhoods just west of Rt. 3 in Nashua up near 400'. Maybe it was one of those? Also, could relic snow be a factor? Snow all but gone here in Lowell, but still appearing in piles along driveways.
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