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Everything posted by Stevo6899

  1. Tbh its been going on for atleast 4 winters now. Weakening turds as they head east.
  2. Its a typical clipper that dried up as it approached dtw. Dont need the radar to know what happened.
  3. I dont think there's any civil wars. If bo likes it so much in the other forums, than stay in them. I still don't get why the ohio posters feel the need to have their own thread. Were they alienated that bad? Yea everyone wants snow but im happy they got their snow, beats the coast anyday.
  4. Considering a good amount of the posters in this thread saw this storm travel around them and drop big dog totals to the west, south and east of them, I'd say the vibes were as good as they could be until you posted.
  5. I love pitts point and click. Under a winter storm warning and it says snow showers. The snow could be heavy at times. Lol
  6. Mother nature def trolling the det/chic crew. What angers me the most is the east coast isnt supposed to cash in la ninas lol. We never cash in their nino seasons, or im not totally sure if we have.
  7. Lol @ atlanta on 12z euro. Always makes me laugh when places like amarillo and deep south get wsw and warnings before alot of the forum. Thank goodness I havent been living up north the past few zzz winters.
  8. First the midatlantic, then a noreaster looks likely next. East coast always finds a way to stumble into a storm regardless of enso. Crazy were almost halfway through another big dog less winter in great lakes region. Ediiit, looks like the energy that dives due south out of canada is responsible for the potential east coast storm. Gotta luv the track, around most of the forum.
  9. Real weenies want 8+snow events. There hasnt even been a 6" event to track. Im well aware thats been nonexistent most places this winter except for south of minneapolis, but still these 12+ hrs to get 3-4 inches gets old. Id rather it torch than get any more events where just enough snow falls to make driving difficult lol.
  10. I cant wait for Josh's turd polish response to how great this winter has been since were at our average.
  11. A friend that lives in Troy told me hes got about 5 to 6" so I assume that's the totals across at m59 east. Guessing dtw and Josh got less based on the radar returns i saw?
  12. We have been stuck under the ridge for over a week, more of the same on the way More like the past month. I've been keeping eye on the weather down here and I think it's been Sunny and dry for all December. Atleast in the fort myers area.
  13. Im currently in florida and it was 84 and sunny today but looks like a band has been stationary over my house in central macomb county. I think the higher end of the forecast of 5-6 inches may pan out. Damn porch video feed isn't working.
  14. Seems we've been stuck in this for like 4 years now. The lack of cross country bowling ball systems, or even a half phased storm has been incredible. Never thought id say id be okay with a stonger nw trend to start just to have a respectable storm somewhere other than the upper midwest.
  15. I'd say we got 2.5-3 inches of slush. Giant flakes.
  16. Nice front end thump this morning. 20211227_052701 (1).mp4
  17. Someones getting nervous, chicago gonna make an epic comeback.
  18. I'm making the drive down to Florida next week until April 1st. So expect some big snows to begin shortly after I depart. You're welcome.
  19. SE MI trademark winter event. Gfs trying to sneak in some colder air for the late weekend system. Either way I still think chicago will beat us out. We shall see.
  20. Right on. I visit austin often for work and that area is blowing up. I was thinking of maybe moving there.
  21. I feel like im the only silly soul left in this state lol. What brought you down to texas? Lack of big dogs lol? Or work? A friend of mine just moved to corpus Christi and loves it.
  22. He ain't clogging nothing lately, except the ORD futility record talk. Chicago will make a comeback and I'm willing to bet that chicago beats DTW this winter by at least 10".
  23. You cared enough to respond to him. I understand it's been a frustrating start to winter out in chicagoland, but don't take it out on other people, even though spartman may deserve it sometimes. You've been condescending for years on here and it needs to stop. Posts like these is what prevents newer members or guest viewers from posting or joining and growing the community on here. Que the lol response to this post, further making my point. Anyone can be an arrogant prick online, and its cowardly. Perhaps try to step down off your pedestal and be decent to people.
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