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Kitzbuhel Craver

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Everything posted by Kitzbuhel Craver

  1. 100%. Never again do we mention tornadoes in a winter storm thread, in the New England Sub Forum. All in favor say...
  2. Interesting... Sleet/Snizzle Combo happening currently
  3. Jeesh look back west on Radar. That is one shredded POS. This will be a QPF fail as well
  4. After this debacle, I am really stoked to be headed up to Jay for the New Year. For the next two weeks it’s all about the picnic tables. Let’s stack it up!
  5. Didn’t even cover my fooking grass.
  6. Moonlight reflecting off ice encased dead Christmas lights to create a new and festive way to celebrate the holiday season?
  7. Lots o guidance picking up on a nice front end thump
  8. Gotta love trolling with a GFS 300hr+ OP run...
  9. Is Dr Dews.... CT Rain? There are some trolling warmista similarities I’m picking up here.
  10. It’s pretty ridiculous, they cancelled last Wednesday in almost all of CT for a couple/few inches that literally melted off the roads by 9:00am. That was a shocker
  11. Gimme the 2” it takes to cover the blades and a bit of glaze and it’s all egg nog and flannel jammies from there on out
  12. JB=CNN lots of fake news, lots of retractions, lol
  13. Yeah, EPS towards the end of the run, heading into the holiday doesn’t look all that great. Zonal PAC POO.
  14. That GFS run was every weenies Christmas dream come true. If only....
  15. Nice little event, bout 3.5”, everything caked and some mood snow currently at work in Middletown. Festive for sure, we take.
  16. Burning up December days like a medi spliff...
  17. Sitting here at a local CT mtn having some cocktails at the lodge to numb what Scoot just posted. They are blowing snow. Me thinks they aren’t aware of the incoming warmth/rain....
  18. Best snow by far of the entire system down here! Rippage!!
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