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Weather Will

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Posts posted by Weather Will

  1. I do understand the frustration, when you take an hour and a half train ride each way to work, you really note the sunrise/sunset times.  First time I have noticed a hint of sunrise as I get on the train at 6am, and still a little sun as I approach home at 630.   Spring is around the corner...but my gut says we are not quite done yet!  Perhaps I am just an eternal optimist.

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  2. WP has a good article on snowfall this year so far.  No one from DC, South or West should objectively be complaining.  We are at climo or better.  It would be great to get one more before it’s over....It is nice to gave something to watch inside 2 weeks at the 3rd week of February.  Everyone should realize that what makes it so fun to track in the Middle Atlantic is that we are almost always on the edge: rain vs snow/ light vs heavy rates etc.  step back and stay at 30,000 feet until the middle of next week....then start tearing apart each operational run....I know much easier said then done.

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