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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. quick note on the plumes and fwiw, a few of those non-events at ORD are rainers and there are more big dogs at MKE than ORD
  2. yeah doing good numbers without any real pot stirring on my end
  3. Another huge positive, haven't even had to think about posting the eurythmics
  4. Tone sincere, your post have been good and joe started the thread but you were first to hype this in the medium range thread so it's yours to win Now back your regularly scheduled programming, I fully expect subsidence hell as fgen band stays 8 miles south
  5. should have had a final call out 2 days ago
  6. no way is 46 correct but yeah, it's warm for the time of year
  7. hard to find major complaints with 12z, about as good as can be expected for D3/4
  8. me watching the euro roll out after the ukie comes in hot
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