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Henry's Weather

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Posts posted by Henry's Weather

  1. 4 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Yeah maybe…certainly close. Something like the NAM just a little further south would be pretty epic too.

    Essentially what you’re going for if we’re trying for the unicorn is to get that midlevel flow out of the east before it warms above 0C and at the same time we’re turning the lower levels more NE with a stall somewhere south of the islands. You need an entirely closed upper level going underneath LI elongated east-west. 

    Interesting that the low needs to be elongated for best results, why?


  2. 15 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    You guys look at clown maps way too much. The GGEM was about as classic as it gets for a pretty widespread heavy snow impact. The H5 was awesome, the midlevels were awesome. I certainly wouldn’t trust the GGEM’s lowest level thermals…prob one of the worst models for that (long with Ukie)

    It seems like the GGEM H5 evolution is the best case scenario for most of SNE, bar none. Do you agree?

  3. 2 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    I mean, if we start capturing this off the coast of SE NJ, then all of the sudden the parallels become a bit more striking. When we’re flinging the low way east before capture, it wasn’t all that similar…but if you start capturing down there and driving the ULL into MD or VA, then you quickly have a different beast. 

    Dumb question but wouldn't that situation be a decaying low slowly drifting SE?

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