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Posts posted by tunafish

  1. 1 hour ago, dendrite said:

    I think we’re out of its range? 

    This one with the black spot eats mealworms out of my hand now. 

    That's fooking awesome.


    8 hours ago, eekuasepinniW said:

    I have vole issues every summer, but this year is so over the top I'm ready to just throw in the towel and plant fake flowers.

    Voles, not Moles?  We're having an insane year of moles.  Not in the lawn, only on the woodchipped paths.  Must be some insect underneath they like.  But I've also heard from several folks that they've got a serious mole problem.  Tunnels and Tunnels everywhere.

  2. On 6/29/2024 at 6:32 PM, Harmonie said:

    You tell me that, but I've only lived here for two weeks and there have already been two reported tornadoes in the region. :blink:

    You've only been here two weeks and the schtick is already played out.  Take a lap, regroup, try again tomorrow. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

    75/60. Not bad.

    Side question, is there a way to search for your own posts from last year?

    top right search area - choose "Member"

    find yourself

    choose "find content"

    count your "meh's"

    • Like 1
    • Haha 9
  4. I don't have a sensor, but I generally don't water established trees unless it's severe Stein.  You do want their roots to go deeper.

    If the tree or shrub is new, it gets watered 2x a week (if no significant rain).  If it's in year 2, I'll water it 1x a week.

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  5. 1 hour ago, DavisStraight said:

    I cut our lawn for years when I was a kid with one of those, it wasn't like the new lightweight Worx mower, it was made of oak and weighed a ton. Finally, my father bought a newfangled gas mower when I was about 15 or so, wasn't self propelled and we had a decent size hill in the yard. They cut nicer than new mowers, it's like clipping every blade of grass with scissors.

    Ha, yep, that's like the one I have.  Probably 15 pounds.  Thought I could get my 9 year old to use it.  Not happening this year, maybe next.

    I do love the cut it gives.  Only complaint is I can't wait too long between mowing otherwise the clippings clump and I have to rake after.

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