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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Lowest consecutive 3 day equity put:call ratio’s in years . .34, .34, .36 Historic levels of bullish call options being placed primarily in small cap stocks Vertical moves create instability , https://mobile.twitter.com/NorthmanTrader/status/1349765784944463875/photo/1 https://mobile.twitter.com/NorthmanTrader/status/1349731710859059202/photo/1
  2. I just looked at 0z nam and I’m wondering if I should ski wildcat and chase that
  3. Oxford was approved in Uk and couple other countries. Initially I thought they would be gold standard. You have to recall to, that different companies are sort of designing their studies for higher success I.e enrolling less 75+ “elderly” ) and more 65-74 , as well as some are not enrolling folks w high blood pressure or diabetes And being over 75 . The Surgeon General Has spoken highly about Novovax bc their enrollment has a higher amount of elderly African Americans with Co-morbidity’s. (I.E those with highest death rate)
  4. It’s is good news for moving forward in some better fashion and less sickness and lockdowns . Thou .They are behind in production Im very interested to see what there efficacy is , bc Fauci referred to Oxfords 70% as a “problem”
  5. JnJ would be big a Friend just messaged That they were looking at EUA in 2 weeks
  6. J&J looks to see EUA in next two weeks thats good news for moving this timeline and not falling further behind
  7. They will never report any potential good news ..people may drop “their guard “
  8. It’s pouring on my ride to work . I really don’t care . I’ve enjoyed the temps . Sorry to depress you with this observation
  9. Nice batch of over performing rain near Boston and immediate burbs. Bonus -peak heating time Radar juiced up fast there
  10. There is anti vaxx , anti Mrna vacc (till we have medium term safety data ) and those that just plain don’t trust anything the government is spouting and that mis trust is Deep* . Watched a Joe Rogan interview w comedian Dave Chappelle, says it like it is (he sees it) . This was around Thanksgiving Also NPR poll on what ethnicity’s are most willing to take Covid Vaccine https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/12/04/943213216/survey-finds-asian-americans-are-racial-or-ethnic-group-most-willing-to-get-vacc
  11. I would agree on that . With the caveat being that there is weather to follow . I take more interest in NNE snow events than probably any SNE’er and some NNE’ers and Saturday has some potential , unfortunately it looks best for Adirondacks /and then there be VT spine upslope. Hoping that the whites near The notches or Kanc can do well with a marginal setup
  12. Anyone have breakdowns of polls on willingness to take vaccine based on different factors . Age, ethnicity , can’t mention the last one due to new rules . But my understanding is ALL 3 would show significant variations in willingness.
  13. Don’t spend much time when it’s slow . For some it’s like a support group
  14. Im not more than 5-8” from average and constant active rainers would be much more miserable but it is comical . I mean both groups seem on edge , so I would also develop thicker skin i mean why would anyone spend so much time on a forum when nothing is going on , both groups need other things to do .
  15. There is the bitching and the bitching by those that detest bitching . Hopefully I see some flakes dancing about shortly
  16. We just need more vaccines approved , period . Oxford Screwed the pooch . They were the biggest supplier for the USA and they have been delayed at least 3-4months, maybe 5. If there trial showed more promise and they didn’t screw with the dosing for whatever reason , they would have the EUA , and we would be looking at making good headway With vaccinations . This doesn’t seem digested . Moderna/and Pfizer were never going to be more than 40% Of supply domestically and by the end of the year so here we are
  17. This trade really scrambled my daily NBA Fan duel cash lineups . The non bubble is having some issues , hope they can squeak thru the season .
  18. On the vaccine front , it looks like J&J will have some important interm phase 3 data being reported by end of month. The USA time line is heavily dependent on when and if Oxford is Approved and JNJ’s Success. Let’s see if a non Mrna vaccine can impress w Efficacy . (They can’t do all the “ heavy lifting“ )
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