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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Fair enough , i believe people were playing with weapons they didn’t understand the capabilities of , and some of the intent was to bring the system down which sounds all funny until it begins to and then people realize it’s a problem . A real big problem . I don’t think most really understand how fast the market *can * unwind and effect everyone and it’s not always easy to put humpty dumpty back together . This was going to Have a decent shot of doIng much more than hurt some hedge funds and short sellers in a couple more days . It ripples fast and far with this financial system which is Booby trapped by derivatives. That is the _**only reason I support that sort of action. But I mean anything that makes money will probably find a way to reorganize and we shall see if they send stocks to the moon in morning GME “fell” to 250 and is now 290
  2. Retailers falling fast now after hours . I don’t have a huge problem with this WSB ban , bc it wasn’t going to end well for the broad market which connects to almost everyone - even indirectly . I don’t think many understand what was at stake as contagion spread and I don’t think many would like the knock on effects of said contagion once the genie is out of bottle . Sort of like how the effects of Covid lockdowns ripple , this market contagion would threaten to ripple And destabilize and that is good for no one , it *could go much further * than several stocks going sky high . That would be ugly for many wether you own stocks or not . There are other forums to organize- so it probably will -
  3. Given the “set up” when do we suppose models will have a moderately high level of confidence . Like Friday ? How relatively complicated is this one
  4. VIX up 60% plus today - things move fast at these levels (regarding market indexes vulnerability) Contagion - need to get that vix down
  5. nobody does care about them per se...nobody really is protecting them . The issue is that ... this "short squeeze" is happening in such gigantic numbers and record breaking speed and spreading so beyond Any history of shorts losing money ..and sucking in so many people so fast..and spreading now to about 40 stocks.....that stocks are hitting "fake" silly levels ..i mean no justification at all...the real issue is that this is destabilizing the broad market, that is the real concern...In my opinion . I don't believe it is that far from being a national security issue. We will realize more when we see how the broad indexes respond tomorrow. This is a very heavily leveraged market....heavily leveraged markets can unwind fast. It does nobody any favors if the market falls 10% in the next two days because it's spooked and to add even in rapidly falling market today ...the destabilizing forces gained steam Look at NAKD brands now. up 500% on day...lol 2.2 Billion shares traded.
  6. The stock is 350.. those who bet against it or shorted it even thru yesterday with a significant portion of their funds are belly up...maybe not large investment firms that can borrow infinitely to keep up with margin calls... but so many have had to force liquidate their positions if they shorted. If they can get it back down to around 100 by Friday close and cut all those other (rapidly growing list of retail stocks by half) by the time Options expire Friday...than losses can be salvaged for some... large institutions who shorted. But, when market closes Friday that's when options losses are solidified for the week for everyone.... Not sure how this take down could/will happen or if panicked people on friday just sell to book profits if stocks fall a bit and they are spooked , if that doesn't happen .. Worst case and sorta tinfoil ... the Fed and some huge too big to fails collaberate with their unlimited ammo and short the heck out of these stocks in volumes that overwhelm the growing retail army and bring back what stability we had . could not be public info as it would open up a ton of litigation by those who went long, but an act like that could sorta be justified to keep the market from being very destabalized.. in the interest of national security. Very interesting 2 days left in week.
  7. i hear what your saying , but nobody is being bailed out here. options expire on Friday and then is when the pain is sorta finalized for this first week. Volume on AMC which was halted on such brokerages continued to climb today to over A BILLION.... . Game stop got so expensive that ...many people are getting priced out...
  8. The entire market is so long call options and margin debt is at record levels that ..if you get 2 days of say 3% plus SP 500 falls (we hadn’t had back to back 2% falls in months !) the broad market could see margin calls and sort of get into a little liquidation state That is disruptive. We saw that in March w Covid as market was very leveraged last February . Not saying anything like that but things are shaky right now and the system isn’t built on concrete . I mean , even as broad market is tanking today , retail stocks are flying . Not sure how you stop this
  9. I Think the GME and AMC folks may be more reluctant to sell (at least till Thursday late day or Friday ) bc they seem more like the WSB’s disciples but that’s just a weakish guess Options Exp is going to be WILD Friday . I would be tempted to get out now if I had big gains .
  10. TSLA hasn’t budged today , that stocks freakish . Some environmentally “morale” funds are growing and they basically have to buy zero emission stocks no matter what . Not that that’s a main driver but I found it interesting Market is down 2% and shaking
  11. Big volume last hour I bought SIRI calls very cheap 7.50 strike exp 2/5 and MAC calls exp 2/ 19 20$ strike I anticipate congress doing something to stop this over weekend definitely saving some Money for cheap calls exp Friday to be bought on any new movers
  12. Some people with large options are not getting paid what they should (current price ) when they try to cash out . A friend of mine tried to cash AMC calls bought last week for March expiration The market makers aren’t paying current price ..maybe half in some options now .
  13. You have a decent stomach if you bought and didn’t sell at first sign of a dip, this is as wild as speculation in market has been ..ever
  14. Nokia has 580 Million volume so far it’s more than WSB’s now , seems traders are just pig piling on Each other , any retailer . There has got to be a few out there ..in addition KODAK as well
  15. This is almost a climax of the speculation That has been more consistent IN the broad market the last 8 months . Has that feeling
  16. It’s going to the moon 17 was a nice dip at opening they can spike these huge In premarket
  17. Good point , I think it’s a bit more . SP may sink fast if it stays below 3815. Maybe Jay Powell can save the day
  18. Gme Peaked at 350 last hour 270 now , may go higher as the group chastised any who sell and book profits lol market spooked this am , vix spike , SP 500 falling To 3815 which is a support level FB & MSFT had beat on earnings
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