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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Ukie got on board for Merrimack valley tomorrow afternoon
  2. May take a little drive west of ASH if this looks promising
  3. Bills Hamlin seems “neurologically intact and appears to have made great improvement “
  4. https://sports.yahoo.com/bills-announce-damar-hamlin-showing-remarkable-improvement-appears-to-be-neurologically-intact-160636440.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHGNtiIpcNo-Ls5odZC8oN2J_Mf4Te7kTxHu8Enxs-8LI7h95aDfl2i3YLu8WIjH5ot3X2ugPMFrM7uQt7FujaO1hncyNbwCQV4EZ0dv2Ckf-1nuDPtHWJvFaKER3WTraseWjlnSbs8X8Vf2Gcjev-pV2VqbrxLn4MkZnmRmYzKw
  5. Scott , I have paid zero attention to this do we have a vague idea of the airmass will be good , poor (more up and in) as just get under 10 days out edit : nevermind will just answered it
  6. So is the elephant in the room the airmass Just sucks Even for mid January due to the pacific pattern unrelenting Cali trough Or nah . I.E are we threading the needle in SNE with temps again for 14’th or not really as I haven’t paid much attention to this as it’s been 10+ days out
  7. Let’s , i mean look at the airmass for the 14’th/15’th storm . 540 line in SE Canada and High pressure scooting ESE
  8. Don’t shoot me . I’m not trying to be a downer, it’s somewhat historical for now . Stowe snow Stake at 10”. Second lowest for date. Yes I’m eager to go back out and ski , I’m hopeful that a near normal period in mid January will be sufficient for mountains to blow snow to resurface ..if much doesn’t fall in next week .
  9. Berks to SW monads and N Orh county seem locked . Others now cast
  10. Wolfie keyboard rising N maine Milfs squatting to reach down and shovel
  11. Wouldn’t El Niño Hose be further south / be blasting big bear lake over to flagstaff and Taos more
  12. The SEC got tipped off about Madoff many themes but were incompetent or looked the other way . It’s so common for former private industry executives to “due their time “ (stint at regulator) that there is a revolving door and sort of fox guarding hen house situation in many industries that have not made it illegal for this practice . I mean , if there is a absolute focus on maximizing industry profits , it’s sort of the natural progression of things to try and neutralize any threats that stand in the way , and if laws don’t forbid it, eventually regulators are either defunded , filled with toothless former private industry executives , at least to the degree where regulation and consumer protections are weakened .
  13. Keyboards rising , weenie shedding some dust
  14. The mainstream media are intellectual prostitutes, Toeing corporate and usually political lines (Us against world or dem / repub) to en embarrassing degree for the last decade and getting worse by the year . The perspectives are often framed for reasons to have folks form the desired opinions , the appropriate beliefs ..and it’s been taught to not respectfully disagree but look down on folks when there is not agreement . The more emotion that can be driven into a story the more potential for clicks and in- fighting , attacks and in the end the less critical thought. Maybe governments have to manipulate people to keep People fighting amongst each other As it’s better then focusing on the toxicity of the entire system ** I would argue that even things that are started with good intentions , once they enter the toxic realm of politics and corporate gree$, they become so infested with shiat that the end product is financialized, politicized and a shell of its original intention ** So much pure garbage is spewed and counted on being lapt up by a viewer who has selected their channel of choice to confirm their own Beliefs / based usually on emotional allegiance On a hot button emotional issue that said channel or outlet pretends to stand on , when in reality the executives and leaders stand on a perch to sustain their profits , power, career aspirations and share holder equity and it is seems reasonable people will rather maintain beliefs that give them a sense of purpose and peace of mind then question if the stances are just created to sustain allegiance , position for influence and power and selected for those reasons, not for the good intentions that are marketed to Capture the hearts of Decent folks Empathy. Ok , I’m done for a while and Moving on
  15. It’s better odds being consistently closer at any lead times then if it’s consistently not . People just love to remember the times it was forecast to hit us then moved away because that stings much More than a storm forecast to go far south that never comes back , it’s forgotten completely (in that case )
  16. That’s a valid point . Until we get inside 6-7 days it’s Low confidence . That being said if a system is consistently peppering the bench mark for a few days , that’s certainly better odds (right ?)
  17. Ya and I edited my first post bc there was a tendency to look ahead in early December because of the big block that we knew would provide chances but since then it’s just been more of a “it’s all we got “
  18. I think People are pressing this year .. first bc there was a very good modeled block For The 10’th- mid month in early December so folks looked ahead naturally then since then it’s been more due to the lack of anything being a legit threat inside 5 days so that leaves you with 7-12 day “hopes” but when there isn’t much going on thats all you got basically and at that time frame they are more “things to watch “
  19. The models have backed off on the cold push Thursday am ..and Friday temps have been marginal for rain/ snow . It’s just a garbage period . There was more potential for icing Thursday during day 24-36 hours ago On Monday Models cut temps Like 25 degrees for the week to make the late week period interesting but the momentum stopped short of delivering if you enjoy light icing .
  20. Natural gas prices in Europe have fell to pre invasion levels now . Example #5995 Of how real world pain and suffering due to dramatic changes that can occur in very small financial markets when speculators and investors enter these small markets in a very large way to take advantage of an external cause that disrupts supply / demand at a much smaller level (compared To the % movement in price of commodity ) Nearly Every article written in the financial press fails to touch on the core issue to these tremendous fluctuations in commodity prices , be it lumber , oil futures , Natty gas . Occasionally you will hear a seasoned investors carefully spell out the dynamics so that the lay investor understands why the price of a commodity can move 150% when the supply / demand disruption is In the single digits . Commodities have Tiny markets caps (by size $ ) in comparison to stocks and bonds Indexes are much more prone to disruption . When the situation favors a clear change in the supply / demand dynamics tons of money tends to flow into them (or out ) And this large change in total $ invested into the asset class is responsible for the size of the move , not the actual amount of supply/ demand imbalance . You just need a sure thing that will clearly push that supply / demand of a commodity in a sure way and money piles in and levers up, then when there is enough news that reverses this dynamic or it’s no longer a sure thing (milder weather than normal ) money that knows there is a bubble flows out fast .
  21. I was cool having December being what it was , I didn’t buy in to much for that period .So far January is getting on my nerves but I’m staying patient for now
  22. Another great airmass we seem to be threading needles in early to mid January when we need this poop flushed out like Bob and wiz say
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