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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Now if Brooklyn posted something that looked like that I would be excited
  2. This year weenies need to be Tibetan monks
  3. So we can Only post maps that give Tolland snow . I think he’s just excited and maybe a sprinkle of marketing to entice folks north
  4. Looks like one of Nashua’s all timers as well
  5. You are gonna have a hell of week man . enjoy !
  6. Did the duxbury woman have a history of mental illness or Was thus possibly related to a bad case of postpartum. This was a labor and delivery nurse ...right ...not a heroin addict. We know what happened was unimaginable but it seems frightening to me that this women may have prior been a productive member of society and had some sort of psychotic break postpartum
  7. Not having kids helps immensely with costs , that and renting a house (from a friend) where the monthly payments are small . As opposed to a 2-4K mortgage or 1500-2400 monthly rental expense .
  8. That was actually the sort of reply I was looking for . Kudos to them and I hope they can score
  9. I don’t really consider N NJ hills upper mid Atlantic but I wasn’t really clear , I’m talking the big cities , the CP, not NW interior BUT that is quite an impressive period none the less . That elevated area in NW NJ reminds me more of pocanos weather climo wise
  10. That’s such a amazing outlier to have 4 of 5 top max days in the same week over 120+ year period
  11. If you are a snow lover in the mid Atlantic how do you even maintain a semblance of happiness , there should be some psychological studies that look at developing coping mechanisms and maybe society can benefit from the way these folks have adapted , assuming they aren’t miserable
  12. I’m somewhat interested in the futility numbers in the upper mid Atlantic . I think Philly to NYC May get on the board the first week in February and I hope they do .
  13. I was just trying to figure out if it could have been that much more at the top as opposed to base area . Not trying to beat a dead horse but I’m bored and want to ski there and was curious if the warm mid levels basically cooked all elevations 4K and below last nite or If upper mountain may have done that much better
  14. I think NYC is +8.3 . Thou sadly they haven’t had their first official snowfall
  15. Wildcat still has 14” listed from the 25’th but a tweet from mountain ops 55 mins ago says 14” last nite and Pinkham notch got 7” . Hmmm Maybe the summit got that much more ...did mid level warming cook everyone up to 4K feet or...would summit have done that much better
  16. Where are biggest January temp departures in the east , anyone have some numbers . I think it’s time to sort of celebrate the torch (ok maybe celebrate is a strong word) but at least gain perspective on any historical significance of what is going on so far this year I recall going up to N Conway in March of maybe 2012 or something when they had a string of days in upper 70’s and man ..I always root for snow but if it’s not gonna snow I’ll take mild and sunny over anything else that isn’t frozen
  17. I for one have not minded the torch relative to normal since after Xmas , or to be more specific the complete lack of very cold air that has followed on the backside of mostly rainers. That has made things at least comfortable to be outside and when we scored snow in Nashua it was generally a nice pasting at 30-33
  18. SR reporting 6” new net gain but they will probably get to about 40f at base today
  19. No lol that was their report yesterday (25’th) that totaled the last storm and it’s two day totals . They have not updated since 5am Wednesday prior To the current storm . My guess is 7-10” for them but we’ll see. As of 9am ..they still haven’t given a report in over 24 hours ..I’m sure they don’t mind the confusion
  20. I think it shows if you want the cold Via PV s.e of Hudson Bay and you have the Baja troughs, suppression is on the table for someone now . Maybe it will be NNE maybe all the way down to NYC . To me I paint this period as a bit less active but with any gradient Potential further south , so sorta thread the needle to get the latitude cold and stormy . Maybe I’m off base
  21. The risks were present for a bust thou . Weak WAA Being modeled being number 1
  22. That being Said , does February 10 onward look solidly above normal if you were a betting man or is the SE ridge flex hard to really anticipate at this lead
  23. Any early guess John how February May end Regarding monthly temp anomaly’s. My guess would be after a colder than normal first 6-8 days we mild up enough to finish +3 or 4 for the month . That SE ridge flex should have folks attention further up north as well in my opinion .
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