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bubba hotep

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Posts posted by bubba hotep

  1. On 10/21/2016 at 11:10 PM, Quixotic1 said:

    I'm starting to get on board with those who're going with a much warmer than normal winter.  I hate to be a gloomy gus, but right now DFW is on pace to shatter the record for warmest October.  We are at 75.3 for the month.  The next on the list is 1938 at 73.1.  Looking at other anomalously warm Octobers and you see nothing but dog winters.  last year's El Niño really did a job on us last year.  I fear the hangover might carry over into this one as well.  

    After this brief cool down, October is going to end torching with above normal temps looking locked in until November. Then  the start of November looks bad as well but things might finally start to shift to a cooler patter by mid-November. However, we played that game all last winter with winter always just being two weeks away. 

  2. 11 hours ago, aggiegeog said:

    Cool weather and rain is becoming increasingly likely early next week. Wonder if we can get a day with a sub 70 high. Our first sub 60 lows look likely.

    For NM, the ski resorts could see snow with this weekend's storm down to base level (8-9,000 feet).

    Angel Fire, NM always amazes me with its temperature swings. On Monday, they fell to 23 around 5 am and the temp rose to a high of 79 in the afternoon. 

    Looks like we will finally get a legit push of cooler air and some widespread rain. FWD doing their best to jinx us in the DFW area :lol:

     Thereafter, it looks
    like a few successive shots of cooler air will be possible as
    northwest flow across the midwest results in a few frontal
    passages southward next week. It certainly looks like fall will
    finally arrive!


  3. Each run of the Euro Weeklies creeps the snow farther to the south with all of Colorado and northern New Mexico locked in by the end of this latest run. Also, the control has snow in the Panhandle of Texas! Something like 40% of all Septembers see 100+ at DFW but the latest run doesn't even have a single member over 100 from here on out. This jives with the Euro EPS and GEFS, which both are hinting a series of cold fronts moving down. 

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