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Everything posted by Brasiluvsnow

  1. Yes really glad WE ARE BACK as I tried to login since yesterday,,,that said Kirk is indeed out there and bears watching
  2. We could get snow as soon as 8 weeks from now and its less than 15 weeks until Xmas but who's counting
  3. Jburns ,years ago when SNL was good this would have been a skit on Saturday Night for sure,,,,,TWC really screwed this one up
  4. Wilmington = strongest wind gusts in almost 60 years since 1960 ! The wind gusts hitting 92 miles per hour-----> "just a rainstorm" " no big deal " The people writing such things from the comfort of your warm dry beds are clueless. If the trees on your street are still all standing and not falling or landing on your houses and your street still has blacktop and it is not a river , if you still have power this morning and if your house is in the same condition now as when you went to sleep last night be thankful but please if nothing else stop posting.
  5. I have friends in Wilmington who stayed and if anyone thinks this storm is a nothing burger or if you are downplaying this calling it just a "rainstorm" you are out of your minds !
  6. A friend of mine lives a few miles off the coast in Wilmington,,,,,he says its pretty wild there already and trees are already down all over the neighborhood and this is just getting started,,,oh my
  7. Welcome Back glad its up and running ! Im watching the news and they are interviewing people who live in NC and SC right n the beach and these people are not leaving ! S M H in disbelief .
  8. 88,,,I caught some flack from a few guys earlier but I totally agree that this is not written in stone there is time for solutions to change. Many people think Florence continues West I still think ( not to keep repeating myself ) that she turns North just a matter of when
  9. Bluewave or Typhoon or anyone else let me ask you or anyone a question if I may , the reason that the Hurricanes over the last 50 years all shifted North eventually and that none have hit the coast ( regardless of those storms setups ) is because at this time of year the Bermuda Highs are NOW usually moving West To East and allow storms to escape and head north,,,,,am I wrong ? I understand that the Ridge is "historical" and "theres a first time for everything" but to say the Ridge no matter how strong it appears right now can't move, weaken or shift EAST as it has done in the past and as it usually does this time of year would be a mistake , especially that there is still time (granted not a lot but its not hours its a day or so if not more ) again I am new to all this and still learning. Thanks guys for any replies
  10. TY Typhoon,,,,all Im saying is that there is still time for things / model solutions to change and that this is not set in stone. TY for your reply,,,,I like Frappes lol
  11. Long Beach I understand and I get it. If the setup is exactly as it is pictured today on Tuesday I say yes this is Historical and will do something no other storm has EVER done. I just think there is still a lot of time and things can still change I do not think for a minute that this is the final solution.
  12. Orangeburg that is what I keep reading and hearing.
  13. Julian I respect you and your posts are always informative. I realize that the HIGH to the North of Florence is " appearing " strong and it appears that it will steer Florence due west. That said I don't know how anyone can discount the history ? I know many of you guys deal with the science of all this ( stuff which I am learning but know little about ) but I cannot see how anyone disregards the History ? I also understand that those previous storms did not have something STRONG steering them West but maybe the High here now is overdone ? I think theres still time for much of this to change and absolutes are impossible ,,,,maybe Im wrong thanks again for your reply it is appreciated
  14. Orangeburg,,,,not nitpicking and maybe Im wrong but I believe Hugo was more South of where Florence is now and was headed more to the South ( Georgia ) but hooked and hit the Carolinas
  15. Thanx 88,,,,,,,,,,I just watched BR from yesterday and I learned something else that I was unaware of. In 50 years there were many Hurricanes that were located exactly where Florence is now an NOT ONE OF THEM hit the coast. Thats a lot of history . The thing is they ALL ,every one of them turned North. Again hard to argue with history,,,,,if I was A betting man I say it turns North but it depends on that damn HIGH steering it no ?
  16. I posted this in another thread but will ask it here. If Florence does regain her strength and comes in hard at like a Cat 4 or Cat 5 isn't the tendency for storms over the ocean to be steered polewards / North ?
  17. As I hamVe said many times I am still pretty new to this and I am a novice but one thing I do know is that with 6 days to go the probabilities have increased but NOTHING is written in stone yet. I think everyone should take notice regardless of where you live on the coast but to hug each model run is foolish with the storm still pretty far away. If I was a betting man I would say the models will look different by Monday Tuesday , Im not by any means saying its a miss but at this point no one , not even a computer model has the certainty down. Keep up the posts and pics guys this is all very informative
  18. Rob I could be mistaken but = ISNT the air ALWAYS just delicious and perfect for drinking ? LOL have fun
  19. Looking to start staining my deck tonight / now this weather has really backed us up,,,,,you think I can get out there now with my son and start or do we still have a shot at rain tonight in New City Ny , Im looking at the radar and I think Im ok to hit it a few hours, appears to me no rain in my near future ,,,any info appreciated
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