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Everything posted by Brasiluvsnow

  1. GFS has that but FV3 has it around the 4th BUT it appears warm ---> no ?
  2. 88 ,,,,THIS is what I was thinking with my earlier post about Tuesday and the back end...
  3. Can this upcoming Tuesday / Wednesday be anything frozen, especially on the back end ?
  4. I believe 88 is talking about the FVG its on tropical tidbits and unless I am mistaken it had a decent handle on the last storm
  5. Looks like the FV3 says starts as rain especially the coast but finishes as snow,,,,,but that is tomorrow night and not the front on Wednesday ,,,,,any one care to add insight ?
  6. 88 = real question for us uninformed,,,,,,what are Tellies ? Weeklies ? Are they the same thing ? Where can one find them ? thanks in advance
  7. Im not sure what the Nam looked like yesterday but the FV3 now has it colder for interior on Tuesday
  8. Don thanks , I actually googled that and looked at it before I posted there is A LOT of info in there. All I want to know is when do they make the call to treat the roads ? Is there a requirement ? Is it a Gut call ? Does a watch or a warning have to go up/ be issued as I can swear the roads by me have been treated without watches or warnings in the past.
  9. I am going to post this on another thread also so that I might get an answer. Can any of you tell me what EXACTLY IS the criteria for NYC and or NJ to treat main roads or bridges with Brine or Salt ? I mean when do they treat roads is it once WWA are issued or WSW or sooner ? I realize everyone dropped the ball with this last storm as far as the roads go but under what circumstance or rule do they actually treat the roads ahead of time ? Thanks in advance
  10. This was one of those storms that years from now we will all remember. This is the storm that many thought would be a slushy inch along the coast and maybe 1-3 or 2-4 inland = we always remember the ones that gave us nightmare commutes and this storm is THE WORST one that I can remember as it caught all of NY and NJ off guard. Every human I know had a hellish commute home, heck my wifes car is still miles from my house as I had to rescue her in a jeep ! So many people blew this forecast and its really not about who was right or wrong but to those of you that poo pooed this storm or dumped on the weenies or were foolish enough to make wagers I hope you swallow your pride and have the stones to just admit that you blew it and maybe we can all learn something from this one and move on to the next one.
  11. went out to the store 1/2 hour ago snow was light and it was 32 degrees ---> on drive back temp dropped to 30 and snow began to come down steadier-----parked car in driveway and it was 29 degrees and snowing even steadier = enjoy it everyone this is the first one of the year
  12. snowing real hard in Bklyn,,relatives called me
  13. WOW already ? And you posted this an hour ago !!!!!!
  14. Columbo and Mannix got nothin on you = professor Plum in the weather center with the doppler
  15. 88 yes I saw the map,,,,,this is the first of MANY this year 88 let the non Weenies have their fun we will enjoy it no matter how much falls and hopefully mother nature hooks us up the rest of the season !!!
  16. 88 can you post their prediction or map ?
  17. Personally I hope we get more than that but guys will hang u in here for an eighth of an inch,,,,its already a tough crowd and its only our first snow threat. In keeping with the thread I like the look of the RGEM
  18. FYI I could be wrong but I believe you said an Inch and a half way back pages ago in your wager, IF IM wrong so be it but some guys in here are really nitpickers so I don't want you to have to disappear for a month over .50 or a half = just a weenie trying to help you out now back to our program
  19. Thanks Rockerfeller I just saw it-----anyone else feel free to chime in but still looks like snow to me especially North n West
  20. Heading to Weather US now ,,,,,,but can one of you guys POST last nights Euro, what exactly did it look like and show ? Thanx
  21. Eric and Don,,,,,is that nothing ? My math is bad but isn't that green and yellow area N n W of the city like 6 inches of snow ? 2.5 centimeters and change = an inch no? Maybe my eyes are clouding my judgement must be the WEENIE in me
  22. 88 how far " interior " --> Albany / Cat skills or just outside NYC ?
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