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Everything posted by Brasiluvsnow

  1. I don't think I can do a week of watching these models = I might have to give myself a timeout. Does anyone here expect the models to stay remotely consistent and not show a different solution a day from now never mind a week form now ? I wish the event was closer .
  2. I know its been asked before maybe even by me but where can we view the Para ? Pay sight or is it right in front of me somewhere ? Thanks
  3. Wow sure looks as if this system traveled way farther North then was advertised on the models. Im not sure what is making it to the ground but as someone else said look at the current radar it is real close to NYC https://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=DIX&product=NCR&overlay=11101111&loop=yes
  4. from the Damn CMC 's lips to Mother Natures ears !!!!
  5. Its a pretty sorry state of affairs when we are hoping / begging for an inch or possibly 2 but thats where we are at thus far this season.
  6. never mind I found it http://meteocentre.com/numerical-weather-prediction/map-explorer.php?lang=en&map=fr&run=12&mod=ukmet&stn=PNM&hh=144&comp=1&run2=12&mod2=ukmet&stn2=PNM&hh2=144&fixhh=1&stn2_type=prog&date_type=dateo&mode=latest&yyyy=latest&mm=latest&dd=latest
  7. Bluewave or anyone else is MJO currently into phase 8 ?
  8. I would feel MUCH better if the Euro jumped on board but YES this is a good thing
  9. Well now I don't feel so bad,,,jeez that was unreal ! Had that been my first day in a college class and Prof Isotherm started speaking like that I would have walKed right out and dropped that class LOL
  10. Thanks Dan but no matter who he quoted I was lost lol -------I will check out Isotherms posts
  11. OKAY 88 I read every word you wrote here and I know by the tone it is good but for the life of me I might as well have been reading a GREEK textbook upside down and backwards as I don't have a clue as to what your post meant but I will take your word for it that it is " promising stuff " LOL
  12. A few of you have mentioned SOI can someone explain what that is and how it effects us ? Thanx
  13. A little more help guys if you can and in the best layman terms if possible = how does the MJO phasing in the Western Pacific effect us here on the East Coast ? I get that it went from p7 to p6 but how does the west coast effect us on the East ? Thanks in advance
  14. Easton or anyone else = Is there anywhere for me to view these myself or are they only on pay sites ?
  15. I am not sure how anyone can definitively say what will happen with over a week to go ? I am not saying we WILL have snow but IF this is remotely accurate and as close as the GFS shows I would not dismiss the possibility / YET----but thats me . https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/?model=gfs&region=us&pkg=mslp_pcpn_frzn&runtime=2018122312&fh=192
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