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Everything posted by Brasiluvsnow

  1. This is a wee bit painful,,this waiting = Ukie anyone ?
  2. lol I was just going to post it-----it does appear to look good for the good guys
  3. If I can go find the guys post with Deep Thunder can I share it here or is that a problem ? just trying to play by the rules if there are any , any reason that model can't be posted ?
  4. someone posted it in another thread----Pittsburgh
  5. How much stock does anyone put into DEEP THUNDER and is it reliable this far out ?
  6. ps I just would like the Ukie to hold serve and if it could get some support that would be a good thing IMO
  7. Eric or anyone else did you see Deep Thunder ? It looked good saw it posted in another thread
  8. Nice to have you " almost back " Eric lol. Still 2 days lets get some guidance going our way !!! Come on Ukie!!!
  9. no there is not but should the models come out with different solutions tonight or tomorrow ,,there would be
  10. Eric I totally get it,,,but does anyone really think that with 4 + days to go this is written in stone or that the runs tonight or tomorrow might not look different ? I also am willing to see how Thursdays event effects this if at all.
  11. Its comical how guys pack it in from model run to model run. The low is 2 days away from being on land and just a short while ago people were pumped by the Ukie ,,,still lots of time the runs will change again I have little doubt .
  12. Neg also sounds / looks like the models have all season = they do not have a grip / clue on this yet its too far away . Just my Opinion
  13. Rjay I appreciate the answers from you and the others and I know that there are others viewing this thread not asking questions but they appreciate it also
  14. Thanks Eric North Shore and Storm lover ,,I got it now appreciated
  15. In the 850 mb pic ( the second one ) does the red 6 in the middle of Long Island mean that it will be 6 degrees above 32 up there in the midlevel or am I off base with that ?
  16. what would cause the midlevels to remain warm or not be cooled with this colder air already in place and more rushing in ? Thanks in advance
  17. Rjay or someone else can you guys explain why it would possibly be frozen rain or precipitation if the surface shows very cold ? Is it that the midlevels are warm ?
  18. Wow around hr 135 its starts to get hairy / no loger snow in my part of the Hudson valley,,and other locations East of me
  19. Well it did not take long all for the models to take some air out of our balloon huh ? Looks like this week could be a rollercoaster of model runs. I asked this question earlier can someone tell me how in any way that the first wave on Friday effects Saturday nite / Sundays event ? Would a stronger Friday wave benefit the weekend or not ?
  20. Yankee I believe thats the OLD GFS---> the new one is FV3
  21. With it being SOOOOO cold could ratios be off ? Wouldn't the ratios be better if temps are dropping ?
  22. Guys help me out,,, would a stronger first wave on Friday help or hinder the second wave on Saturday/ Sunday and if you can tell me / us why ? Thanks in advance
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