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Everything posted by UMB WX

  1. Whenever Detroit starts moving forward something happens to **** up the momentum.
  2. Blind if we didn't see it coming 16 yrs before 2016. Its mind boggling how how Bat Shizt Crazy blind +50% of America has been trained. Sad state we're in. Hug your loved ones all. Be Best.
  3. Excellent if it comes to fruition. Last thing communities need right now is more widespread devastation and body bags.
  4. Blue prints were all over for the taking and here we are with barely a test available and short on even basic supplies still. Unexcusable
  5. Yes China screwed up. To bad nobody was interested in taking notes as to what China was was doing to fix their mistakes, to stop the spread, and save their people.
  6. We seen the fire coming but did nothing to prepare.
  7. Without early detection and isolation of the infected I'd love to hear how the US contains this. This is a cluster**** right now that didn't have to be at this level. That's what happens when you try to cover it up and try an pull a fast one on us.
  8. lotta folks living in denial yet. Hate to see it.
  9. 4 pages. lol winter 2020. Beavis for President. Good thing the UP cleaned up early with system snow.
  10. lol this winter whooped cyclones tail.. Never thought I'd see the day he'd lead the spring brigade starting weeks ago.
  11. I'd take stranded in that cave. Expected a map uglier than that after the comment, caved.
  12. How much farther south and slower can the main wave really go from here? Maybe its just the garbage GFS and NAM catching up. sheesh I would think models could have figured that wave out by now. Have to the think the bleeding has stopped there and we're at worst case something close to the 18z euro.
  13. Yeah wouldn't take much of a speed up at all to frig things up either. SE bleeding can only go so dam far right? One would have thought it would be over by now but with nothing connecting this is where we are.
  14. Yeah se trend is your friend. You're in a very intriguing spot. GL!
  15. Exactly.. Looked like it was trending slightly slower south before hr 30. hr 33 doesn't look too hot. or 36. Frustrating.
  16. So many chances blown in this one. Maybe Buffalo will score.
  17. 10 to 18? lol. More like a 8-12" forecast considering how shitty of a climo Detroit south is for big storms.
  18. Ugh, yeah what a headache for them when they have to play the hands they're dealt. GFS was such a detriment to this storm...NAM playing footsie with a late night hookup from canada gets denied. Euro is still steady eddie but can call in sick when you need its services the most. To be fair to the models this was a pretty delicate high potential impact storm that just found every way possible to not come together in time.
  19. I'm sure many if not all at LOT would like to paint that map a different way Are they Handcuffed from making bigger changes than they would like to?
  20. Take it to the bank. At least it's still interesting for the far east sub and I'm really curious what SSC and the Toronto posters end up with.
  21. It's been so close to a monster at some point in 3 days from Iowa to MI. Just can't get it too hook up for nothing.
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