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Everything posted by UMB WX

  1. Yeah this Big Dog might perish if the bleeding don't stop
  2. At least it looks like it has room to save chicago. Only a state away from a phase.
  3. NAM looks to have got the memo. Next stop Cleveland
  4. ^ this.. weenies get so pissy about when offices throw up a watch.
  5. We all were locked in at one point. Last Stop Motown City.
  6. One more Euro run south and we'll be toasting the UK with the Crown
  7. You could tell early comparing the 500's from last night it wasn't going to come together like the OZ run. Seemed a little slower to. Def slower to get precip up here. Another step back at 0z on the euro would be lucky to get wwa up in to far se, wi. Nice comfortable run down south. def got some breathing room now
  8. Kinda predictable Euro. Nothing screamed for it to be any north of last night.
  9. We might not ever hear from him again if Chicago gets a foot.
  10. Tried to warn those in the bulleys a few days ago. This storm was way too much to expect the models to nail down early and it doesn't take much to move the goal post in this event
  11. Just need MKE to hoist a watch and lock in the UK.
  12. Yeah I totally understand. You picked a good one to not get emotionally attached to one way or the other. It's pretty satisfying and relaxing though when you let them come to daddy. GL down there.
  13. Once Hoosier starts posting you can lock it in, Chicago.
  14. Leon Lett is still in play for mke. Chicago Def has lots of ways to score.
  15. At least Alek and MSF would have quality pics to share with us
  16. State line south definitely the spot to set up for The Weather Channel.
  17. Yeah this system had heartbreak hotel written all over it if you got too emotionally attached early.
  18. Yup. really thought by 12z the GFS would have smoothed things out but its still trying to back the ship in to LM. Once it loses that you smooth things out more like other models.
  19. Gfs is going to have to leave my place soon and head back on the ferry and start over
  20. NAM should end up nice and safe south of the border. Getting a theme here. Sorry Cheese heads.
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