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About ajisai

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Boston, MA

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  1. Here's the BOX loop starting at 9PM last night https://imgur.com/a/QjNVkLf Epic
  2. Boston Jack we take. When's this thing rolling into town? 9?
  3. lol march is going to have more snow on the ground for boston than all of oct-feb
  4. Love the 7 eleven slurpee format give me more of that purp slurp
  5. Harv says wide 3-5. Band stretching from MA north border from alb to Jimmy, the down the southern coast all the way to the part of CT that is basically NYC
  6. I work in a tall building in Boston The wind is blowing so hard our window panes are shaking
  7. the longevity of this event is impressive for this winter. still snowing in boston
  8. harv went from bullish to on point.... nice
  9. That's a really good narrative. Amazing that those conditions were measurable 100+ years ago that he could provide such good analysis and maps. Good short 2min read.
  10. I thought it was just my neighborhood. So much damn salt everywhere
  11. my avy is an inaccurate depiction of this winter, might need to go full summer hill country longhorn.
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