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Jacob brooklyn

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Everything posted by Jacob brooklyn

  1. Cool moon out. Almost like a blood moon
  2. I got nervous thought something was wrong with my eyes
  3. Show the maps. Because it's starting to feel like a dud type of winter
  4. I see. makes sense. How much different reaally is it than just 30 years ago?
  5. Yes and we have had a lot if high wind events today not so much. But pears replacements? What is that exactly? That's an interesting fact that they have leaves up until cristmas
  6. I am noticing something here in Brooklyn past two years or so that some trees still have all their leaves. Of course they have turned but they did not shed their leaves fully yet. If you go by the trees being an indicator this late in the season. I thought that was interesting. Maybe that is normal Dont know. But can mean later start to winter.
  7. ok, interesting photo. I know there are some lines that go very low a few feet off the water. not sure which ones. but the b. the last stop is brigton beach. thats near me. b and q. and as far as I know they don't cross that bridge. yes, maybe back to the yards they all do
  8. ok, it could be. rarely take the f to coney island. but I looked it up and they upgraded that little shanty of a bridge. that could be why it looked odd to me
  9. Hi what train to coney island goes over a bridge like that? oh I see 1961 but still doesn't look like a familiar train line.
  10. I didn't post the video. But By me it lasted a good 20 minutes. Wind swept rain. No hail. A lot of small and some large branches down
  11. It was a pretty hard hitter. Good thing the newly planted trees looked to have survived
  12. Which storm?? This one that should be happening in july?
  13. That's for the banter thread. You are now banned
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