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Posts posted by MUWX

  1. 13 minutes ago, The Waterboy said:

    Looks to me like the current “consensus” is for Southern MO to have the best chances as it stands.  Obviously a LONG way to go.  GFS tucking south is a good sign.  We’ll see what the Canadian and Euro has to stay.  

    Bottom line is nothing is off the table yet.  

    Depends on how you define southern MO. I think somewhere between the I70 and I44 corridor is in the best place ATM. A long ways to go though 

  2. 1 minute ago, StormChazer said:

    OK, here are the latest 5 Euro runs. I analyzed the snowfall amounts in a 100 mile radius of Tulsa. Here are my results. Looking for trends here.

    Number of members from each run are indicated below.

    0 Inches. 18,8,6,3,2   Summary: looks more and more likely that a "no snow" option is out the door. 

    Under 1 inch.  8,14,15,20,19  Summary: Better than nothing, but an underwhelming category. Goes up over recent runs, mainly converting "no snow" options to minimal snow(so still positive).

    1-3 inches. 10,14,12,14,11  Summary: This is a broad category that I'll refine in future analysis, some of these are 1 inch across half the area, others are a solid 2 inches across everywhere. Regardless, this option remains pretty steady consisting of about 20%-25% of the members.

    3+ inches,  14,14,17,13,18 Summary: Some of these are BOMBS, some are just a respectable swath of 3-4 inches, some give half the area a winter storm while leaving the other half out high and dry. Point is, this category has remained pretty steady throughout the last couple days. Last night's run brought it down to a low, but then the 6Z brought it up to a high(don't know if we can trust the 6z). If the 12Z this afternoon brings this category back to last night's, then we can throw out the 6Z.


    So it looks like someone within 100 mile radius of Tulsa is pretty much guaranteed to get snow, could be a trace, could be a good dumping. Time to wait for the 12Z Euro.

    Is the 06z available any where publicly? 

  3. 16 minutes ago, JoMo said:

    Yeah I saw that next weekendish. Just a very marginal setup where a lot of things can and probably will go wrong or trend in the wrong direction. We'll see though.


    Yeah, for sure. Its a long ways off, but I thought it was interesting that all three models were showing something in that general time frame. Something to watch at least. I'll try to look at the ensembles this evening to see if there is actually any support for it. 

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