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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. 15 degree drop in temp over the past 3 hours. 64 at 5:45, 49 at 8:45. Didn't see anything like that the past 2 nights...but we also had farther to drop tonight. Feeling optimistic it will get colder than 39 here tonight so long as clouds stay away and the winds remain calm.
  2. Sunny and 60 degrees. Below normal but it feels fantastic out there! Here's the latest from Elliott for anyone interested: https://www.millersville.edu/weathercenter/forecasts/weather-discussion.php
  3. CTP has a 20% chance of showers for here...sounds like some updates will be coming...
  4. MDT - 35 tonight. Nagging feeling it'll be a couple of degrees higher...
  5. It was a record for the date - not sure of the latest freeze date without looking.
  6. I wonder how far I must travel to find an overnight low higher than mine.
  7. Depends if you like your heat with a side of dry air or humid air.
  8. So, who had 37 for MDT last night? My guess was 36.
  9. That graph tells me that they hit their lowest temp at precisely the same time that I did. (6:22am) And it lasted virtually the same amount of time.
  10. Consistently warmer temps than what you experience...
  11. Voyager and Mahantango need to move to the historic district pronto. LOL
  12. I know, I'm just as exasperated as you are. And I understood the context of "unbelievable".
  13. I really don't know what to say - I was stunned this morning. Barely made it under 40 here. In fact, my temp stayed at 40.0 or above for all but 17 minutes. Temp never dropped below 39 on my way to work.
  14. Believe it or not...lowest temp on my station was 39.4 at 6:22am.
  15. I guess game one is Monday night in South Beach. Classic coaching mismatch featuring Spoelstra vs. Rivers.
  16. Still 43 here. Landing gear deployed. Cleared to land on runway 13/31 at MDT at a heading of 36 degrees tomorrow morning.
  17. No need for a deciding game #3 - I'll take the 2 game sweep. LOL
  18. High today was 61 - yet another day of temps exceeding the forecast. Not sure if that will have a bearing on tonight's low or not...regardless, the breeze needs to die down for any chance of a freeze.
  19. At 3pm both HIA and THD (training historic district) were both 57.
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