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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. As much as I normally dislike the Phillies, this team is made up of a bunch of guys who are very easy to root for. I love the young talent with guys like Stott, Bohm, and others. Plus, who thought they'd be playing in November? Easy for me to root for the 'dog, especially if that team is likeable to begin with.
  2. When the dust settled, our wild #October temp. rollercoaster wound up statistically “near normal,” in aggregate. However, it was still the chilliest October at @millersvilleu since 2011 (-1.39°F). Due to the 2.86” of rain that fell from #Ian’s remnants, precip. was above normal. (MU) - Winter Outlook will be coming today!
  3. I've never rooted so hard for the Phillies in my life. I've never rooted for the Phillies in my life. I hope they win...I want them to win...I really think that Houston top to bottom is better, BUT, the best team doesn't always win.
  4. Finished with .46" of rain, all but .04" fell in 20 minutes just after midnight. @Bubbler86- very dark and damp here, but no fog to speak of at home or on my way to the office. Not even on high ground or along the river.
  5. Awesome! Right as the month flipped to November the skies opened up here...in the past 15 minutes I've received .32" and still pouring.
  6. I mean...I often shovel snow in the same attire.
  7. Snippet from MU a few minutes ago: "We'll enjoy a rather warm & tranquil first 7-10 days of #November. Highs should reach the mid-to-upper 60s from Tues-Fri & may even soar into the low-to-mid 70s over the weekend! This isn't quite record-breaking territory but still 10-20°F above average" Simple terms - both the mower engine and AC unit will continue to run with no end of either in sight.
  8. Looks like you have a decent chance of something in the next couple of hours. Meh - it's drying out on radar. Maybe this evening?
  9. A foggy, dreary 44 here this morning. "Seems" like we've had out share of gloomy Mondays as of late. I know that the late, great Karen Carpenter let rainy days and Mondays get her down...I'm trying to not be the same.
  10. Ohio State made an emphatic statement when they had to.
  11. The answer to your question is a resounding hell yes.
  12. Surprised Ohio State abandoned the 2 point idea...being up by 2 is little different than being up 1. If it comes down to a Pinegar kick I'm going out to mow.
  13. I was telling myself all week - let's put out a commendable performance and I'll be satisfied. It will hurt to lose this now.
  14. Beautiful picture. Look at that sky. Completely agree about saving the cold for December.
  15. 61 with sunny skies and Franklin is up to his masterful game management once again. Sarcasm intended.
  16. I got a few degrees colder last night than I was anticipating - I think tonight in particular could be a rough night for remaining vegetation.
  17. 34 for the low, lots of frost around out there earlier.
  18. And...it was completely unintended! (I had to go back and re-read what I said after your response)
  19. Right behind you at 63. Sky is perfectly blue.
  20. I almost always listen to Steve and Jack call the game on the PSU network while muting the TV sound. Only times I don't do that is when they are too out of sync.
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