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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. I still think we’re gonna see this shift S and E as we get closer. I’d guess 6-12 BUF northward and 12-18” BUF southward. I think Jackpot will be somewhere around eastern Finger Lakes to Southern Dacks and up into NNE.
  2. If I remember correctly Wolfie posted some 18z Euro runs a while back but your a cruel sick person for messing with our mental physche after the winter we've had so far and our(or at least mine) fragile state of mind haha!
  3. we shall see what happens but I'm not getting my hopes up what so ever.
  4. Sure all in fantasy land, never coming closer than hour 156. If I counted all the fantasyland snow this year I'd be well above average instead of 50% of average snowfall most of which coming in November. I know I'm overreacting to a lot right now I'm just sick of seeing run after run looking promising only to change for the worse one way or another as it gets within D5-7. I can only hope your right with a parade of synoptic, lake enhanced, and lake effect but I sure wouldn't bet even a dollar on it.
  5. It's the start of a trend and a push towards the euro of it being more S and E which obviously sucks for here.
  6. 18z GFS is going way south. Suppression Depression. Looks great for PIT, NYC, BOS. We all get fringed from BUF to SYR. Likely just the start of a trend so I'm fully expecting a complete shutout for BUF to SYR by tomorrow's runs. This. Winter. Sucks. Period.
  7. We’re still nearly a week out, all the runs are gonna change several more times and we likely won’t have a final solution until Wednesday or so. With the way this winters gone I’m expecting it to either cut like the FV3 or suppress like the GFS and either way we get screwed.
  8. My fear about this whole pattern, suppression depression....
  9. 46” in the next 2 weeks lmao. Plus add in some more lake effect the global can’t pick up on. Haha
  10. KBUF is now ahead of me for the season 31.2" to my 30.9"... a pretty minuscule difference but one that's pretty surprising to me. Hopefully we can all catch up in the coming weeks as my average by now has to be close to 50" or so.Gonna take a lot of snow in the next 2-3 months to even get to my average of about 105"
  11. That does sound a sound a bit high but they were getting pounded all day yesterday and overnight so I could see it being close especially at the top of the mountain at 2250’.
  12. About 6” of pure fluff just north of Springville with Currier and Ives flakes falling.
  13. 2” here. Glad you guys at least got something decent. Here to Hamburg got screwed as usual in these events.
  14. yeah no one in WNY will see 2 feet. Thinking a max about 14-15" around Cassadaga when all said and done. Tug is a different story. Gonna say Matt cashes in with 22" for the event.
  15. total rippage here. solid 2"hr plus. HUGE flakes too, stuff is pure powder. Easily heaviest rates of the season so far which is impressive to happen on a NW flow in this location...now like you said, if only it could last more than 1/2hr...
  16. Clarence Center sitting right under that band for a little while now. If I wasn’t on call for work I’d be there right now.
  17. Same here but looking on radar it may not last long, however it is nice just to see some white on the ground.
  18. It’s really really tough to be from Angola to Amherst during this pattern. Such a rough stretch for us with no snow. I’ll go out on a limb and say by tomorrow night everyone in that area will still be looking at grass while every direction N,S,E,W of us will at least be able to look outside and see signs of what winter should look like. This is one of the most depressing midwinter stretches I can remember.
  19. Snow coming down a bit better here north of Springville. About 1.5” down.
  20. About 1” of snow with light flurries just north of Springville... not off to a good start to this event, have a gut feeling that KBUF was way over zealous with this event... as usual.
  21. Yeah I’m surprised at how crappy radar looks... hopefully the shortwaves coming through will enhance the snowfall otherwise we’ll see max totals closer to 1’ than 2’...
  22. That will be the theme for the whole event for us. Luckily my job for the next several days is at 1700 ft just north of Springville, should be a fun time hopefully.
  23. You should be thrilled your gonna see 8-12”+ lol. A lot of us probably won’t even see that all of January haha!
  24. We got some thunder at work in Hamburg! In January... and it’s not thundersnow. Wow
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