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Everything posted by jacindc

  1. My cobblestone street on the Hill has now caved.
  2. Now starting a more moderate level of extremely light snow on Capitol Hill.
  3. More like sleet now on Capitol Hill. That map up thread showing the line where sleet would be I think ran right over my house.
  4. The serious stuff is never going to make it past the Beltway from the southeast, is it. I can see lightning, but the oranges on the radar keep fading right before they get to me.
  5. I have mushrooms in my front yard that are saying, "You know, I think it's a little too wet around here."
  6. No. I spent the weekend doing nothing but buying fab new fall clothes. I want to wear them for more than five weeks.
  7. @WxWatcher007 This is going to be sort of an alarming question, but are you at that new Hampton Inn east of I-95?
  8. Someone posted somewhere a link to a Twitter list of mets, officials, etc.--anyone have that?
  9. I'm usually all for mocking people who post about every wobble or "it looks like it's slowing down" or "it might be changing direction" but man, this is going to be excruciating to watch if it happens like this.
  10. Saw lots of lightning bolts from it here at Franklin Square downtown.
  11. Report from Capitol Hill: Pouring.
  12. Time for the standard reform-just-east-of-DC-and-clobber-PG-onward maneuver.
  13. I see I left the Severe Repellent System on. Surrounded on all sides!
  14. Sure just got dark here on Capitol Hill. Looks like the one that popped immediately west is coming my way.
  15. Yes, I just logged in without getting any redirects. Sorry that this happened during your vacation, but glad you found and fixed! Thank you!
  16. Yeah, just tested in an incognito tab on my tablet and got a redirect. (Incognito shouldn't access the cache, right? Because I was thinking cache issues might keep the old code in play.)
  17. My sincere sympathies. My similar situation happened during a vacation as well. No fun at all.
  18. If they depend on the income stream of non-members (who are the ones who see the ads), then yes. Members might just plow through the warnings and visit anyway.
  19. Yup. And as someone said above, they need to do it soon, or Google is going to blacklist the site (the big red "WARNING THIS SITE IS COMPROMISED" page). I had that happen to a site of mine one time when malicious code got inserted--it's an incredible hassle to get de-blacklisted.
  20. I found that I can't use the "log in" button on Tapatalk, but the links to the forums I follow still work as if I am logged in. I just can't browse to any new ones.
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