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Blizzard of 93

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Posts posted by Blizzard of 93

  1. 9 minutes ago, bubbler86 said:

    They just dropped the warnings for LSV.   Surprising this late.  If anything the trends have been pro snow the last few hours.  Dp's are below forecasted.

    Yes, very surprised this late. They should at least let things play out a little more. I just hope it doesn’t cause a problem on the roads with general public thinking it won’t be so bad.

    This will make it more fun when they bump it back up in a few hours.

    • Haha 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

    34 in Akron

    dp 26

    Hoping the front end does well.  

    Some 12z ticked snow line back south a bit. 

    Every little bit helps when you dont have much to work with.....lol

    Yes, the 12z GFS & Canadian both ticked south & east with better snow totals.

    For Harrisburg, the GFS & Canadian give about 2 more inches of snow over the amounts that their previous runs showed.




  3. 59 minutes ago, Atomixwx said:

    One thing to consider is the front end thump. If that does indeed happen and places north of Flathead's house get 4 or 5 hours of 1 or 2"/hr rates, that's potentially eight-to-ten inches, not including the aggregate of the hours where it's only .5 per hour or so and then any sleet. I guess it's not impossible for places like Duncannon, Newport, Blain, Cassville, and Claysburg to verify an 8-12 call before a switch. 

    That’s a great point!

    That’s what the November storm did in the Harrisburg area with 1-2 inch per hour rates for just about 6 hours. We got 8.8 inches from that thump.

  4. Something that I thought of for the sake of lurkers to this forum or folks dropping by from other regions, is that we need to clarify what area that we are referencing when commenting.

    Not everyone on here lives in Lancaster, York or Franklin County. Some of the comments need to reflect what area you are referencing or post a map to clarify.

    I lurked for years on here before I joined & it was tough to get a grasp of things until you learned where everyone is from. The better posters made it easy, but you had to sift through several posts to get quality info sometimes.

    Many places from the turnpike on north will do well today & our I- 80 crew should get crushed.

    Just some thoughts on storm day to try to make this place better!

  5. 4 minutes ago, bubbler86 said:

    It actually has the Lancaster area getting up to 50 tonight.  I would usually chuckle and say no way but the temps are so warm right now it is very believable.  We needed that low to transfer south of us and it looks like it is not going to happen.  A bit depressing.  

    The blizzard of 93 ( & no of course I’m not thinking we are getting a blizzard...just recalling a storm....) & many, many, many ... storms have started with surface temps near or slightly above freezing.

    please see @MAG5035 post from overnight with the upper air map

  6. Since we are name dropping in here, the great met Joe D’Aleo had an excellent post this morning. He said that Artic high pressure tobthe north & west of storms should never be underestimated. He discussed how he thinks cold air will hang in longer, & mentioned old school methods of forecasting before models existed. 


  7. At this point, we just need to see how things play out. A ton of moisture is heading our way & we should be cold enough for snow to start. Heavy precip can overcome marginal surface temps with no problem. I expect snow to stick immediately to untreated surfaces.

    No one in November thought we were getting 8 inches of snow because of time of year, ground temps, sun angle & other ideas that ended up being wrong.

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