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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Which are even deeper into the future…too dam funny! We can’t figure out Thursday? And then Saturday? Or even a couple days past that? But hey, 11-16 days out is pretty solid right?
  2. What do you expect for 11 days from now. Lmao. It’ll be gone at 0z.
  3. It’s defying the old DR NO! Even the lowly NAM thinks it can crush the Euro. You Go lil buddy.
  4. Where’s George to Start a thread…10 days out, what can go wrong? I mean at this point we have nothing to lose. Perhaps it’ll Shake things up a bit maybe lol?
  5. They are. And As I said before…nobody saw that coming back in November/December. Ahh, this is all up in the air at the moment, lots of chaos currently, something can pop at short lead for sure.
  6. There’s been multiple upgrades(the first several yrs ago was noticeably worse), and every upgrade since has decreased that models effectiveness unfortunately. You hate to see it.
  7. At least we’ve got action…and the cold. It’ll be interesting to see which period emerges out of all of this? That’s all we can ask for at this point. All speculation at this point, but maybe Thursday becomes a lil more of a player, and then the 22nd shifts to the 24th? Just thinking out loud some? We’ll see what The latest Euro shows for these ideas in 45 minutes or so.
  8. Why would anyone harp up a fantasy storm that’s 9 days out? Mentioning its there is one thing, but harping on it is pure nonsense.
  9. Ya Mid Atlantic(Southern part at that) cleaning up this year. I don’t think anybody saw that coming.
  10. I totally get it, folks are frustrated. And I understand and feel the same way a lot too. But we have a banter and also a futility thread, go in there and Melt away like Frosty the F’n Snowman in the greenhouse.
  11. Nothing has devolved except your posting quality. Most Everybody here knows what’s going on. I don’t think there’s anybody here in our sub forum who thinks Saturday is a lock here on Tuesday morning. I think you know this to be true. I feel your venting your frustration here, and letting it cloud your vision. So, We don’t need you to come in and whine like a some type of lil brat school girl about each and every model run. It’s a melt with you each set of runs it seems. We get it, and you’re right that it’s been frustrating so far no doubt about it. I’m sure we all feel similar. But when a run looks good, there’s nothing wrong with saying it looks good. We all are aware of the caveats, and the odds on it working out at a five day lead. And Nobody is burying their head, and looking for false info, or wish casting either.
  12. I wouldn’t be getting into too many details at this point yet. And I wouldn’t be sweating any of them either.
  13. Not saying it’s wrong, but That would be week 4….that’s way out there and low skill at that range.
  14. Absolutely. Nobody feels that idea is a bad one. You missed the whole point pal. When folks just poo poo something just for the sake of poo pooing it, that’s not adding anything to the forum. It’s out there..we get it. Nobody is saying the area is getting whacked. Nobody did say that. But some of you acted like they did. Let’s see what things show tomorrow afternoon…? If it’s gone, cool, then we maybe loose another one? Nobody knows anything at this point. Folks were just commenting on the euro run..nothing more.
  15. He’s in the business of getting hits on his site…but we take with a grain of salt at the moment.
  16. No, we’re sick of you’re whining. Bro, you need to take a break! Please. You’re way off base here. Nobody was or is saying anything. We showed the euro run. That’s all. You need to go hit some golf balls somewhere. We don’t need the sorry ass whimpering from you every single potential. God what a Sally! Edit: And who’s burying their head? The run looked great. Nothing not to like with that run. So again, your point is amiss. And, Nobody thinks carved in stone either.
  17. I think folks are missing the point, as usual. And it’s the usual suspects as always. The point is, it brought a system back. It could be fantasy too? We all know that’s a distinct possibility. But there’s potential, and more potential behind it too..with lots of cold around. Outside of that idea, there nothing more to gleam from this at the moment.
  18. C’mon pal..it’s a weather thread. Somebody asked what storm, and he showed them. I think you’re being a lil harsh now. If you don’t want to discuss what the model shows…that’s cool, and just stay out of the thread until you feel it’s time for you. We all have mentioned the caveats…at 5-6 days out. If nobody can understand that, then that’s on them.
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