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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Was sledding boys. Been lurking mostly at night. But Thanks for the concern. Appreciate it. I’d rather have the Euro(and I haven’t been too impressed with it of late either) and It’s ensembles showing something good at the moment like it is, and the Icon be OTS where it is, than Vice versa. Icon is a joke model no matter which way ya cut it.
  2. Lol..yesterday the Debbie’s were worried about it sliding east and saying we better see some west moves. We’ll we did, and now they are crying about the west moves. Many more revelations to come..be ready for them.
  3. Everything looks about where it should for almost a week out in time. We track and monitor. That’s all we can ask for at this juncture. It’s gonna ebb and flow over the next few days…more revelations coming with this.
  4. Right! I mean everybody all upset cuz it’s a bit east at a week out. Holy jeez. Every single big boy we’ve ever gotten in the last 20 yrs has gone through this same cycle. If it were right on us at 6-7 days out, would that make people feel better? I mean, if it were right where we wanted it today, it’s gonna stay right there for us for another week right? Lmao…. This thing has some major evolving yet to come..Buckle up.
  5. Just because it’s not putting the system right where you think it should be at a week out, doesn’t mean it’s a progressive pattern at all. There’s a big ridge out west, and a deep trough along the east coast…all you need to see a week out imo.
  6. Yes, thank you Will. Everybody wants to see it in a perfect spot 6-7 days out. WTF? It’s fine where it is at the moment. the modeling doesn’t have every major player modeled perfectly at a week out. Not even remotely close. You change one lil thing and it’s east or west etc etc of where it is today. The signal is there still. Let’s keep it like that for a bit longer.
  7. I completely pass by his posts now…not even gonna waste the time to read the fantasy nonsense anymore.
  8. Oh absolutely..that goes without saying. I mean what were in now is a good look, and we can’t land a f’n minnow, let alone a decent significant snowstorm. So ya, I agree wholeheartedly.
  9. Yup..that could change the tenor quick. Hoping for one real good one this year. Hope we can pull something off. And that overrunning look isn’t bad at all.
  10. Ya that EPS snapshot was fine for us..I’d take that in a heartbeat for February…which is the snowiest month of the winter for us anyway. That would work fine.
  11. Ya, why not. That’s (The CFS) got just as much a chance to be right, as week 3 or 4 of the weeklies. So I guess take your pick at this point. Lets just get the whopper at the end of January, 10 days from now, and then I too would be cool to just wind it down from there. But Of course, neither one of those things will likely happen. So in the meantime we endure.
  12. Ya, that would be tough to take. If that happens, then this may very well be a rat. We’ll know in 10 days.
  13. It’s gonna torture us, whatever it decides to do. That seems a given.
  14. No Jerry…say it ain’t so? Don’t throw in the towel. As soon as your do that, ‘78 returns lol. You know that would happen too.
  15. Ahh that’s super close…in is pretty dam close to interior. I think the judges would give it to me lol.
  16. I’ll take a bank check for the million dollars. Thank you.
  17. South of 84, north of 95 in southwest CT away from coast.
  18. Those don’t even stand for anything Bob lol. It’s ACATT(All Cold All The Time).
  19. But it froze it(the roads) up instantly. That was very bad here. Our superintendent already called a 3 hr delay for tomorrow morning. He got caught 2 weeks ago off guard by that event.
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