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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. You weenie me? Really? Comical. It’s a f’n week out. How did this past Tuesday look a week out(I’ll give you a hint..like trash)? Enough said.
  2. It ain’t gone yet…still a week out. We watch.
  3. Of course…it’s stronger no doubt. We still full thick cover here. 12.5” will keep it around lots longer. It’s compacted down to 6” Or so but we have thick cover everywhere still here.
  4. Oh well..still time to trend that’s for sure.
  5. Well to be fair..an inch isn’t very much, and your rates weren’t too good, so you have to factor that in too. We had two inches here, and it stuck to the roads fine until it slowed down and stopped. But ya…low sun angle is better for retention, and sticking with paltry rates. But beggars can’t be choosers. I need to have that coastal next Saturday to hammer NNE. If it does it’s game on for more March sledding. And that’s a win for me.
  6. Everybody has their own feelings and ideas, and that’s cool. For me, any good to major snow storm is a good snow storm. If it’s December, I love that too. If it’s a Mid March Monster storm, I love that just as much. I get the whole low light and dim idea of December, and I do like that too. I’ll take it and enjoy it at any time is my opinion. But being in mid Feb…that’s still very much winter vibe for me. And if March has cold, and some decent snow storms in the first half, I like that feel too. But I will say, if it’s an inch or two of slop in March, then I don’t need that. 3-6” or more in a March storm, or keep it.
  7. Bunch of good guys(and gals) here overall. Everybody is disappointed in a bad winter…it hurts.
  8. Looking at Saturday March 8th(Angel Fest in St Agatha at the lakeview always a great time), IF they get a good hit between now and then? Very much Hoping.
  9. I agree Steve. 14.5” week is nothing to sneeze at either here. Let’s reel in next Saturday. If we can, it’ll definitely lift this winter out of ratter territory here for me.
  10. 2” @The 4 Seasonsfrom this morning. 25.5” on the season.
  11. I’d love something to come of next weekend…we could all use it. Folks are very frustrated, and understandably so. It’d be a god send if all of SNE could reel this one in.
  12. Oh I/we get it…for sure. Know the feeling all too well. Not fun. Yes we all look so forward to it, and we hurt when things go bad.
  13. No you didn’t brag at all. But we’ve had to endure 10-12 yrs of getting boned here relatively speaking, while everybody in SE Mass we’re doing snow angels, and out performing almost every storm over the rest of us in SNE. Time for things to even out some. Lmao…that would do it. Hell, 8-12”‘would do that.
  14. It’s been a good wintry week. Is it still a shitty winter..yes for sure. But it’s definitely improved here from where we were a week ago. 2 more inches today and still snowing lightly. All we’ve heard for a decade is about Eastern Massachusetts…when you guys over performed on every event. Now it’s sucking out there, and things are breaking a little better here…just let us enjoy it some. I know it sucks real bad where you are..so I get it that you want it over. But can we enjoy the winter weather here for a little while? And then see where Next Friday and Saturday go? You might want to take a little break.
  15. Where do you live? Outside of the warm/hot week last April, Spring sucked here last year.
  16. I know…I hate that so bad. I find I hate it more every year too.
  17. Ironically, I was downgraded to a WWA on Tuesday, and then got 12.5” Under that advisory. Too funny.
  18. Ya ok. We know March…And so do you. Enjoy the warm few days in two weeks.
  19. All While Scott is posting 360 hr warm maps. The guy might need an intervention.
  20. Holy shit the guy has lost it. Him and the Pope and Tiger Torch are all the same guy…
  21. Here too…very wintry week here as well. Still snowing, and eyeballing between 1-2”. Nice refresher for sure.,
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