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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Who’s angry? Just talking weather is all, but don’t install.
  2. You’re hoping this happens…who the F are you kidding lol. Everyone is on to the reverse phsych ploy now.
  3. I don’t think that’s even possible at this point. We’ve had such a lousy year overall, nobody is falling for it currently, but it keeps showing up, so we discuss.
  4. Stranger things have happened. That’s not all that surprising…March features snow..sometimes big snow, even in a shit year. There’s support for it, can’t deny that part of it. That would take my season totals up to a half way decent level if that happened. We all know DIT is hoping this verifies, and the big warm 2012 idea is a ploy now.
  5. Lol..not sensitive, just pointing out that we have some folks that are just ignoring some signs. Nobody is expecting a blizzard next weekend, but we have some signals that are there for a stormy period…which could mean wintry times for some. And the ones pointing it out are being criticized by some folks. The big warm March is gone…I mean if low 50’s turns you on…then ya knock yourselves out.
  6. I guess when there’s some cross guidance support, and ensemble support, and even some teleconnector support, and you mention this, we’re at the point here now where you’re made fun of for doing so. What a place.
  7. That would be good everywhere on that look above.
  8. I could have sworn that somebody on here just said that it did great on the pattern/forecast for this winter…. I don’t remember who? But it was said.
  9. Yes. March 2012 is the equivalent of Feb 15….they are the Unicorns.
  10. Lmao…he’s already pounding beers I think.
  11. Nope. WTTTH. He’s trying to spin it lol…signs of cold and damp returning soon.
  12. Thursday gonna feel like midwinter lol…folks will need the wood stove.
  13. I dont know about you…but that was the best stretch of the winter season here up until yesterday lol. We had a 12+ inch snowstorm, and thick solid snow cover for more than 10 days…so it worked out pretty good considering this horrible winter. Bro, your memory is shot.
  14. Looks to be a pretty strong High there in that depiction NNW of Maine…havent seen that happen much in a couple years.
  15. And others too. Sometimes folks need to be careful what they wish for. Gonna be a long late winter and early spring suck fest.
  16. You have more than Scott I think too.
  17. Yes, of course I completely agree. I was meaning historically. But I understand and agree with your point. This why we don’t live there. I’m not a fan of 90’s(at least for any extended periods that is) either.
  18. What it has to do with, is it was hot a lot in the early 1900’s from the stats he posted. So obviously, it’s not way too early there to be hot(90+)that’s all. I found it interesting. Guess one can’t express when they find something interesting.
  19. Lots of Early Heat in the first couple decades of the 1900’s in the Big D. Very interesting.
  20. Thanks for the realization….obviously not even close to being way to early. The early 1900’s were hot in Dallas.
  21. TGW(Tippy Gone Wild). Funny shit.
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