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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Good luck with those too….cuz they’ve been so accurate lately….right? The point is it doesn’t look even close to March of 12. And if for some reason it ends up like March of 12, I will give you the credit you deserve for sure.
  2. Well what are you basing it on? Doesn’t really matter at that lead what you look at lol.
  3. Can’t say I’m surprised. We tried to tell him…
  4. That’d be cool if that’s how it plays out…add another 2-3” to the totals if that’s the case.
  5. Why must you bust his chops constantly? The guy posts a map for a week out, and he gets made fun of? It’s a week out, it’ll morph ten times by then, but his only point was that something is there to track, and he’s right. Yet you bust his balls. F’n sad. Last I looked this is a weather board…
  6. I have to agree. I don’t get the whole idea.. lmao.
  7. We got a little taste of the pre-tech days a couple days ago on Tuesday lol. A couple inches at best with storm sliding south being forecast as we went to bed, turned into 12.5” here the next morning. Pre-Technology days at its best in the technology era
  8. Had a little heavy burst here..coated it up some. But it’s about done I think.
  9. Hmm…wouldn’t mind a little more. It’d be nice. We’ll keep an eye on it. As Will said, maybe we can get this to be a little stronger to sharpen the trough base some?
  10. Well it’s 9 days away…so it doesn’t really matter at this point. I think we learned this with the last system on Tuesday.
  11. It wasn’t just a few posts, It was all last night and all this morning too…and I didn’t make one comment on any of it. I don’t think it was an unreasonable request, being we have threads for those types of topics. And I’m not really here in June July and August. But whatever.
  12. Ya..can we get back on topic guys. Take to banter or CC thread.
  13. Give me a couple more shots at some snow…then it can go to 70 degrees for all of March at this point…I’m fine with it. And I am not upset about when anything may, or may not end. But as Will added, we know how the spring is in SNE…and most times it ain’t good. So I’ll enjoy the last month of winter whatever it brings(70’s, or snow, or both). That 24th system looks decent on the ensembles however currently… could be interesting as we go along for winter enthusiasts as Tip would say.
  14. I completely do.. my point was only, do you call for a complete March Torch! Yes or no?
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